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Diane  ( March 3, 2007)
Absolutely not! Look at the inequities - free parking for a $5,000/yr tax payer vs free parking for a $2,000/yr. What about the tax payer who does not have a car. Everyone should pay the same for parking. What about permits?
Kelly  ( March 3, 2007)
User pay garbage is okay with me, user pay parking is appropriate. Why? because i dont generate much garbage and i dont have a car. I refuse to subsidise parking when money is better used for improved public transit
eskimopogo  ( March 3, 2007)
Why should I pay more taxes just so the store employees can have free parking. It's bad enough they plug the meters, but at least they have to pay. I was amused when I read it would be a two hour parking. Who will enforce this?
Bill  ( March 3, 2007)
Tax increase for free parking to promote tourism, Why not a tax increase to bring down the cost of snowmobile trail passes. What about tax increase so we can study air quality and do nothing about it!! Our pockets are deep, but you are already scratching my knees!!
  ( March 2, 2007)
That's beautiful. My one percent is going to pay for some tourist to park downtown and I will still have no place to park.
snowbear  ( March 2, 2007)
A one per cent increase in taxes so I can climb snowbanks higher than Mt. Everest every time it snows? Two dollars for bag tags, soon a fee to launch my boat! Thirty thousand dollars to study for a concert hall that we need like more deer.
Anne  ( March 2, 2007)
I have not had a raise at all so I cannot afford the 1% increase. My hydro and gas bills have increased but my wages have not. When will it stop? When will the City realize that they have to step up and start looking at cutting expenses in different areas rather than increasing taxes.
Harvey  ( March 2, 2007)
Since downtown business would primarily benefit ( Their employees could park free) and we would not need metermaids/bylaw enforcers maybe any increase should be taken on as a business tax.
Myron  ( March 2, 2007)
I'd rather see the money used to enforce a by-law that prohibits people from even talking about downtown parking until 2015. There are people in the world with real problems - only in Kenora could we spend this much time and energy griping over a quarter...
John  ( March 2, 2007)
This would be fine but what happens next year, another 1%? Plus who would enforce the handicap parking, although it is not enforced now? The police chief said it would be strictly enforced?
