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Has the time come to give in to council on the policing issue and move on?
No   387     41%
Yes   554     59%
 Total Votes: 941

Comments   Add Your Own
  ( March 11, 2008)

Such as: guards, dispatchers, animal control, meter ladies, office workers. Having the OPP WILL NOT save us money.. may look like it but there budget for matrons was 28,000 a year for four! One
Think about this...
Redneck  ( March 11, 2008)
Can any of the OPP supporters explain to me what the OPP Differential Response program is? I bet you can't. It is the OPP policy of not investigating calls that have a dollar value below $5,000 in value or if they do they only do it with pregnant and injured workers. Watkins said the KPS had a broken window policy meaning they investigated every call and that was why they were so much money. The OPP won't go unless the window is worth more that five grand. In case you didn't get that point the difference is called service. The KPS have it and the OPP do not.
Big Picture  ( March 11, 2008)
It's clear some of you have not yet grasped how large this matter is. It goes far beyond who 'won' the proposal. Unfortunately, a lot of people will only catch on when it's too late. Then the people who are trying to prevent the damage now will only be able to say "We tried to tell you".
blanky-blank  ( March 10, 2008)
What about the dispatchers, guards, office workers!! They DON'T change uniform and IF dispatchers want a job for the OPP they will have to move to Thunder-bay! Imagine this... Your're in an accident by the old Coke plant OR Lakeside Mini-mart (or even somewhere you dont know the address..) You call 911 WOULD YOU RATHER YOUR CALL GO TO KPS?? LOCAL!! OR TO THUNDER-BAY..
Trying to explain where you are!

Jimmy B  ( March 10, 2008)
Breath In, Breath Out, Move On!
Council made the right decision. The KPS are changing the colour of their cruisers and shoulder flash. They will be patroling the same streets and policing the same people. They will be trusted as much now as they were before, as are the OPP officers that police our city. This will save us money!
JS  ( March 10, 2008)
There is a large silent majority that agrees with council's decision so let's move on!
Redneck  ( March 10, 2008)
I have always wondered where the pro OPP supporters were so that part of this poll has really been quite positive. Throughout the past few months I have read nearly 60 Letters to the Editor, numerous editorials, over three thousand signatures on a petition and many emails of which only a few have been pro OPP. And for the most part those letters were written by either retired OPP officers or friends of the Mayor.
villian  ( March 10, 2008)
The KPS chief is fighting because he would no longer be chief. That is fairly simple to digest.
Concerned for officer safety  ( March 10, 2008)
Heaven for bid we would have a skewed number. All the articles have been skewed so why not. It's about time we focus our attention on other issues within the city. Like the last guy said what about the mill closing or the hospital budget. Keep in mind that no matter what uniform the officers wear they all have to work together.
Ted  ( March 10, 2008)
The vote taken by our elected officials was fair and based on facts. I and all of my family fully support themkkffv88
