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How would you rate Kenora council's first year in office?
Excellent   5     2%
Fair   25     11%
Good   29     13%
Poor   165     74%
 Total Votes: 224

Comments   Add Your Own
Daniel George  ( November 12, 2007)
On a scale of 1 to 10 the present council is off the grid. With Mayor In-Competent and cast, a dwindling tax base how can they promote any brilliant ideas? As for a traffic circle, I still like the old natural one, of going north on Main Street to the old post office (present hang-out of the acting town council). Turn left and you are heading south. If it worked in the past it works now and can work in the future. There are no signs to the contrary, but be careful.
Dave  ( November 11, 2007)
They don't have a clue. Traffic circle that nobody wants, revitilization that we can't afford, constantly driving the tourists away and now the winter tourists by shutting down the snowmobile trail system!
Chris  ( November 11, 2007)
I think council should stop focusing on changing the harbourfront, doing a study on a study, and focusing on Kenora as a whole, not just the main street merchants. Maybe you should go to DRYDEN for council meetings and find out what they are doing right as they "ARE ADVANCING" and we are going backwards. Maybe more than a couple families should have a say on how Kenora is Run.
Norman  ( November 11, 2007)
I am more disappointed with our mayor than I am our council. Where has our mayor been? Never seem to hear from him as we did Dave. Dave was always in the paper and on the radio keeping the citizens informed of what was happening. He worked tirelessly and often thanklessly for the people and the economic survival of this town. He had ideas and presented options for this city. I think we made a mistake when we voted him out. He was a leader who was willing and able to lead this city through it's post mill era. He was let go too early. Today we are no further ahead and there appears to be little on the horizon to help bring economic stability to this town. Instead of growing or at least presenting growth opportunities, our present mayor and council seem to be cutting without looking forward to the future and what potential may exist.
Taxpayers  ( November 11, 2007)
I do think that the job on city council is a thankless one and you must have a thick skin to run for city politics. However, some of the decisions council has made, in our opinion are idiotic and not feasible. Firstly, closing the Keewatin Library and Senior Centre is the worst decision made! Firstly, you are taking away services from everyone. How are young minds supposed to enrich their knowledge without a library? Sure, computers are a wealth of knowledge, but there is nothing nicer than seeing a young child with a book - you can travel the world in a book! Not only for young people, but population of all ages. Seniors are a strength in our community, yet council wants to eliminate their gathering place. We all need libraries to enrich our minds -at any age. Kenora seems to be all "sports minded" - not every child plays hockey or ringette; not every adult of any age curls, or goes to the rec centre, yet money seems to flow for any kind of sport related activity. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!
DJ  ( November 10, 2007)
We have a council who were going to listen to the people of Kenora, keep taxes low and listen to what they wanted. The only thing they did was reduce needed and necessary services. A survey was to be held on free parking downtown. Public polls indicated people were against it so only downtown businesses were polled. They ignored the public feelings to the stupid traffic circle that no one seemed to want except council and a couple of people from Winnipeg who think it is a great idea. They have continued to ignoring the us once again on what appears to be a biased issue of the policing issue. Not allowing local input on who they want. With this ignoring of the local population, how can we say that their performance is anything but very poor.
Dave  ( November 10, 2007)
How quickly time flies when you accomplish nothing!! Lets see, a year to deal with union negotiates -- a strike on the horizon. Still trying to do a downtown "revitalization" with a decrease in funding!! A consultant report that says a convention / arts center is at best a HIGH RISK venture (council is still dreaming about this).
Come on folks, Kenora is in deep trouble. Council still wants to spend money on projects we dont need and can't afford. The forest industry is on its last legs, yet council carries on with its head in the sand.
Mike  ( November 10, 2007)
Oh look! Another opportunity to bash the city council. Why bother even asking this question? Regardless of the question asked some folks manage to squeeze in a shot at council. While not perfect let us not forget that this council inherited virtually all of the problems that we are complaining about. As for downtown revitalization, it is surely not a joke for those whose livelihood depends on a vibrant downtown. I'm sure many thought Kelvin Wrinkler and the council of the day had lost their minds when the harbourfront was conceived. It IS moving forward so get over it and try to make a positive contribution or just get out of the way! I find the comments by Mikey much more proactive than the usual council bashing.
Randy  ( November 10, 2007)
To be fair, this council is operating in some pretty tough economic times. More so I would say than past councils. Tax revenues are down, costs are up, new spending down. Council may not be popular at this point as they appear to be pursuing cost cuts rather than new spending, but when you have declining revenues and higher costs, what else are you supposed to do? Raise taxes?
Kenora lady  ( November 9, 2007)
NO ONE WANTS THE TRAFFIC CIRCLE. Honestly, at this point in time, since nothing else stands out for me that they have done this year at all, I have to say the council is gaining a bad reputation quickly. Don't expect to stay in office long with the work you are doing. Winnipeg had ONE traffic circle, and it is never used. Putting one in Kenora takes away from its charm. This is not Amsterdam, and we only have 3 weekends in the summer where a traffic solution is really necessary. It is a joke.
