Other Polls 
Poll Questions
Question Open? Date
new quest  No  May 28, 2017 
Do you agree that the city should have life guards on duty at public beaches in Kenora?  No  May 24, 2017 
Do you think communities and governments are prepared to meet the needs of the aging Baby Boom population in Canada?  No  May 17, 2017 
Are you optimistic city efforts to promote Kenora as a destination will attract more visitors this summer?  No  May 10, 2017 
Do you think national campaigns, such as Canada Mental Health Week, raise awareness of the issues locally?
No  May 3, 2017 
Do you think the 2017 Ontario budget does enough to help municipalities address infrastructure and social housing costs?
No  April 26, 2017 
Do you agree with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's plan to legalize marijuana in Canada?  No  April 20, 2017 
Do you agree with the plan by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to legalize marijuana in Canada?  No  April 20, 2017 
Do you agree with the decision by council to charge parking fees at the new city-owned downtown parking lot at the former Zellers site?  No  April 12, 2017 
Do you think there is sufficient public docking for local and visiting recreational boaters in Kenora?  No  April 5, 2017 
Are you concerned about how the effects of climate change will affect the economy and ecology in the Lake of the Woods area?  No  March 30, 2017 
Does the 2017 Federal Budget do enough to help municipalities with the rising costs of infrastructure and social housing?   No  March 22, 2017 
Do you agree that a 1.3 per cent annual tax increase over 20 years is an appropriate way to address the city's infrastructure deficit?
No  March 15, 2017 
Are you satisfied with city snow removal efforts on streets, sidewalks and rural roads in Kenora this winter?
No  March 8, 2017 
Do you think community events such as The Week of Action Against Poverty will lead to positive changes for the poor and homeless in Kenora?  No  March 1, 2017 
