Other Polls 
Poll Questions
Question Open? Date
Are you or have you taken a winter vacation this year?  No  February 25, 2010 
Do you think Railway Street is the right location for the new ambulance centre?  No  February 18, 2010 
Will you be watching the Olympics on TV?  No  February 12, 2010 
How will your contributions towards retirement savings be this year as compared to last year?  No  February 4, 2010 
Do you think the city staff are doing a good with snow removal?  No  January 29, 2010 
Do you think we are becoming overly protective of our children? Yes or No.  No  January 21, 2010 
Do you think you can maintain your monthly Hydro costs when new smart meters are introduced?  No  January 15, 2010 
Are you concerned about parliament being prorogued until after the Olympics?  No  January 7, 2010 
What are your expectations of 2010 as compared to 2009?  No  December 31, 2009 
Should the council endorse a consultants report that recommends a $20 million upgrade of city recreational facilities?   No  December 22, 2009 
How does your Christmas spending compare to previous years?  No  December 17, 2009 
Are you concerned that the landmark Kenricia Hotel may never open its doors again?  No  December 10, 2009 
Why do Kenora’s young athletes excel in out-of-town competitions?  No  December 3, 2009 
Have you or will you take the time to enjoy the Tunnel Island Trails?  No  November 19, 2009 
Does the creation of regional non-elected organizations like LHINs and district services boards benefit Ontarians?  No  November 12, 2009 
