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  ( December 12, 2006)
It scares me to read these comments. Where did the paranoia come from? A flu shot is nothing more than a weakened strain of the flu, which the body fights off quickly and is then better prepared IF it ever encounters the natural full-strength strain. I truly feel bad for these people who are in the dark. True, if you wash your hands every 4 minutes and never encounter other people or touch anything, you may be OK. But if you don't spend your winters alone in a cabin somewhere, roll up your sleeve...
Mike  ( December 12, 2006)
Yes. Not too worried about it personally but I wouldn't want to get my elderly parents sick and kill them.
Larry K  ( December 11, 2006)
This is just another false panic created by the NWHU and its counterparts to justify their existence. They create fear and panic amoung the public, then offer flu shots and councelling!!
Bob G  ( December 10, 2006)
The less expensive shot is becoming less effective every year. With all the shots, anti viral and anti bacteria soaps etc we are sterilizing our world. We are developing less and less natural resistant to even simple infections.
Willy  ( December 10, 2006)
I can't believe anybody wouldn't. You cannot get flu from the shot. Employers should pay workers to get the shot because they would save money in the long run, because they would not have as many sick employees thus less overtime, healthier workers due better jobs.
  ( December 9, 2006)
For those who say no to the flu shot shame on you ,for being so ignorant. Call the local Health Unit and get informed.
RH  ( December 9, 2006)
The more artificial immunizations you pump into your body, the less your body creates its own immunities, making you more susceptible to disease and less able to fight it off. Maybe it is necessary for the weak and elderly, but a relatively healthy person can fight off these illnesses without poisoning themselves.
Dave  ( December 9, 2006)
I had several flu shots over the years and spent some of the worst winters healthwise. Also , the current flu vaccines are losing their effectivness over the flu.
Just use common sense, wash your hands, eat properly and stay healthy.
Mike  ( December 8, 2006)
Thankfully we have a choice to do so! I do not need to undertake unknown risks, for a potential threat, from a disease that I might catch. This is a medical procedure with risks. I do beleive we should have the choice for or against,and we should also be given all the information. Ask for the information insert for your flu shot. It's your right to know.
  ( December 8, 2006)
No choice if I want to work but wouldn't get it otherwise.
