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Would you like to see a deer cull in the city?
No   110     48%
Yes   117     52%
 Total Votes: 227

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 ( January 4, 2008)
I have come in to contact with WAY too many deer in town. in my neighborhood. On my street. in my car. Everywhere I go! Shooting guns in town is bad news but there are parts of our fine 'city' that are far removed from people. Maybe we should start a 'Boreal Rodeo'. Chase the deer down and see how long it takes people to tackle them! My money is on the deer every time.
fed up  ( November 1, 2007)
For those that don't think that deer are a problem then quit calling for animal control when a bear is in your yard (for that matter a skunk, dog, cat etc.). Do you know what it costs to have a bear removed from your yard especially when you tie up police, fire dept. and animal control? How can people say deer are not a problem. It is not natural environment for a deer to be in urban areas or any other wild animal for that matter. Trust me someone will get attacked by a deer eventually and I hope it is someone who feeds them.
tired of it  ( October 31, 2007)
Why is that whenever ANY topic comes up somebody has to bring race into it. I am a white individual living in Kenora and am getting sick and tired of the people of this area blaming us for something our government did to their ANCESTORS years ago. When does it end! I hear about racism at work, in the paper, downtown etc. I know it happens but let us imagine how we feel... our government did an unimaginable thing by removing children from their people years ago... when does the forgiveness start? I hear that great great grandchildren are requesting compensation for the school situation?Give me a break people! Please, next time somebody asks a question please do not bring up something that has no relevance to the question. Comparing residential schools to deer culling is a DISGRACE
doug  ( October 31, 2007)
I agree that the deer are beautiful, but the reality is that they can also be dangerous like any wild animal. When someone is killed in a car accident caused by a deer or a child is injured by a deer, will they still be cute ? To cull or not to cull that is the question.
Mike  ( October 31, 2007)
It should be illegal to feed the deer at all, never mind in city limits. Those folks who love seeing the deer in their yard forget how many others they have to tramp through to get to the food source. And they have to cross a street or two to get there. I agree that we have bigger problems but unfortunately we are low on solutions for the others. And I have been in the same location for 10 years and never had deer in our yard until this fall. We are very central with no "forest" cover around so they are coming further in and quite frankly they are a danger to themselves and others. Do we wait for CWD to kill them all off? That sounds like a nice way to go! It may not be pretty but I think a cull and a no feed by law would be helpful.
  ( October 31, 2007)
This reminds of the situation in the past. A group on people thought there was too much of another group. Their solution was to take the people that were there first and put them on reservations and put their children in residential schools. The "cull" maybe a lot cheaper solution but has no valid reason to be done.
David  ( October 30, 2007)
Although it is nice to see deer, they are still wild animals that can be dangerous to our children and adults. During rutting season they will attack anything and become very aggressive. They are also a major cause for the wolves moving into town. I would hate to be a nature lover and agree that the death of one of our children is OK to keep wild animals in our town (Also remember this type of death is very gruesome and not a game). Everyone has to remember these animals are not Bambi and as they become use to humans they loose their fear of us. They then become very dangerous. None of us are carrying weapons to protect ourselves if one of these animals decided they didn't like you. I hate to say this but very few of us today are strong enough to protect ourselves against an attack. I would rather have the deer to feed the homeless than have on my conscious the death of one of our children or someone we loved in our town. I also want to state that I had one of my friends chased by a buck and he was lucky to make it back to his car in time without injury last year. Everyone has to remember these are wild animals and NOT pets. I pray to God that no one has to deal with the death or injury of anyone they love to these wild animals.
Downtown traffic  ( October 30, 2007)
We don't care about a human lying in the street who happens to be drunk. We drive AROUND HIM. I saw nine cars drive around a man tonight on the street. No one stopped. If we don't care about a human life, we might as well as load up our shotguns and take out the deer too.
humor me?  ( October 30, 2007)
"Mornin' Frankly. Did you see the destruction those humins did at Falling Forest? All those trees, chopped, gone".
"Yeah Fauna, I saw", he said, "even the Bluejays ain't goin' back there. Worse though, heard one of 'em people left their campfire smokin'. 1000 acres of Burnin' Bush, destroyed! Even heard some o'the kin was killed". Frankly rolled his eyes further, "Them bein's gathered, and robbed Bear Bones' of his blueberries too! They Sell 'em berries I heard, don't even eat 'em! Been said ol' Bones has been wanderin' ever since".
Fauna turned and sighed, "Just as well. It's that time o' year them humins bring guns into the woods. There are SO many of them!"
"Where you goin' Fawna"? Frankly worries.
"Where my spirit takes me", she moans, "to the place they call Theirs. In one of their dens, if I am still, I can peek in the window and see my Dad, hangin'... on the wall, looking almost like, he's still breathin'."
"I'm sorry", he whispers, "they are an odd bunch. Do remember to be careful. 'Em humans get real mad when you ain't where they say you belong."

Fauna huffed "Frankly my deer... I don't give a damn"!
Cmc  ( October 30, 2007)
I think there is a lot of other things that we need to worry about in Kenora. I think the deer are the least of our concern. Maybe we should focus on how poorly our council is running Kenora. Maybe we should focus our attention on taking a non-confidence vote regarding our council and leave our wild life alone. The only wild life we need to get rid of is our councillors.
