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TJG  ( March 24, 2007)
Mayb if we get some big money folks downtown, the KPS would thin out the rif raf.
annie  ( March 23, 2007)
After reading tonight's Enterprise and seeing the proposed site, I think it is a viable place to erect a classy condo. This area is not frequented by the public as it is and there are already buildings present. The Inn of the Woods has always remained quite an attractive destination along the waterfront. Another handsome structure may be in order to compliment a shoreline freckled with yesteryear. (Although preserving the past has it's merits as well).
lakeman  ( March 23, 2007)
Leave the harbourfront alone. Why not try to develop the Abitibi staffhouse property for condos. You have condos now with vacancies and you want more. Get a grip! Anywhere but the harbour front. I am sure tourists would just line up to see this fiasco.
Bill  ( March 23, 2007)
Why Not? Ever seen a town or city anywhere that has a laundromat, a bank, a pharmacy, an insurance agency, a parking lot, a police station and a court house on the most prime property available.
Talk about a vision the former town councillors had in selling property to these businesses.
Dave  ( March 23, 2007)
What genius has come up with this idea!!! We have a nice waterfront, pretty to look at, especially from the water. Take a drive or boat ride to Keewatin and look at the once attractive Beach Road area there.
Do you really want that kind of clutter on the waterfront??
Linda  ( March 23, 2007)
What about our water? What we don't need is more polution in the lake there is enough already from all the camp owners that have their sewers going straight into the water. The health board has to start checking these camps out, we don't need more polution.
Myron  ( March 23, 2007)
I think it's a good idea, other than the issue of where are these folks going to park. There are people who want to move to Kenora but are not overly interested in paying $180,000 for a 70 year-old home that has not been maintained since 1968. Our real-estate situation makes it hard for people to move here, so why not create more attractive housing options? The doomsday comments about negative impacts to the habourfront will always be out there, are are often based in personal opinion rather than fact.
  ( March 23, 2007)
Where are all these people coming from to occupy these condos. They can't fill the ones they have now!!! And when Mount Carmel, OLV, and OPP close, there is more places to erect condos. Is this city turning into a seniors village??? Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees (lake for the buildings)....what a lame idea!!
The Future  ( March 23, 2007)
Imagine if you will: The year is 2015. Downtown revitalzation is complete. There are condominiums along the waterfront. There is even jet boat racing in the harbour. However at a recent city meeting, the condominium owners are complaing it is too dangerous for their childern along the waterfront drive. Therefore they propose to have a new downtown revitilzation. One which puts the traffic back to main street, more green space and build a walkway over waterfront drive so their children can get to main street safely.
LENNY  ( March 23, 2007)
Please tell me your kidding (RITE)
