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Do you think having incandescent bulbs will make a difference to our environment?
No   53     46%
Yes   62     54%
 Total Votes: 115

Comments   Add Your Own
glen  ( May 2, 2007)
Ninety per cent of the bulbs in my house are compact fluorescent, but I need a few incandescents for touch lamps and outdoor lights (they don't work very well in our climate). What I object to are the eco-fascists telling me what I can and cannot buy. Baird's copying Ontario's ban has made Dalton look good. What a tragedy!
Cheryle  ( May 1, 2007)
I have spent so much money over the years with the other bulbs. I have not changed a light bulb in my kitchen for 3 years since I changed to florescent. So that alone has saved me money.
Dan  ( April 30, 2007)
Maybe you should start worrying about the economy instead of light bulbs
Bob  ( April 29, 2007)
What a joke! Not only is it not economical to do this as a consumer, but just think of all the old incandescent bulbs and the lamps that don't support compact fluorescent bulbs, going to land fill.
But then, that is just the tip of costs to consumers. Natural Gas, gasoline and Electricity costs are going to rise to help combat "climate change".
dave  ( April 29, 2007)
Since most lamp shades dont fit over the new compact fluorescent bulbs, we will have to buy new lamps. So any energy savings will be more than eaten up by this cost.
No matter how much energy we save, there are always new, larger homes being built. The energy saved here will be used there. The "savings" in energy, don't stop expansion, only make it less likely the power companies will have to add generating capacity. Of course energy savings to us, compute to a revenue loss to hydro, so up go the costs per KWH.
 ( April 28, 2007)
CFLs save electricity, last way longer than normal bulbs, barely cost more and, contrarily to popular belief, do come in natural and "warm" styles. Why aren't we all using them anyway?
annie  ( April 28, 2007)
I think for every positive aspect there may be a negative one. I understand these new bulbs contain mercury. If not properly disposed of, there could be very harmful effects on the environment, especially when tossed by the millions.
Mike  ( April 27, 2007)
Hopefully within the mandated time frame we will have compact fluorescents that can be used with a dimmer AND don't start on fire. But, with a ban on incandecent bulbs what happens if those manufacturers are successful in creating a better and more efficient light bulb? I think the idea of energy efficiency is great. And this is something that everyone can do. If it puts a few more dollars in your pocket all the better.
Mark  ( April 27, 2007)
The only problem with the bulbs is they have been known to trigger migraines since they flicker (very fast so not to be noticeable). They are also not as bright.
Dave  ( April 27, 2007)
Using the fluorescent bulbs will save the consumer a little money initially until we realize we have to dispose of the tons of mercury used in the bulbs.
