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Do you think that the city and community partners are making progress on implementing a social enterprise in Kenora?
No   68     80%
Yes   17     20%
 Total Votes: 85

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been there done that  ( March 4, 2019)
I wouldn't hold my breath. A lot of good ideas come and go if you can't get people to buy in to the idea that changing the way things are isn't always a bad thing.
bushman  ( March 4, 2019)
It takes time for these sorts of things to get going but if social enterprises provide training and employment for people on Ontario Works, then that's probably a step in the right direction. At least somebody is trying to do something to end the cycle of poverty/social assistance in Kenora
local guy  ( March 4, 2019)
I guess we'll find out more at the social enterprise workshop Thursday at Seven Gens. Hope to see you there.
