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Do you agree with the city council decision to withdraw the proposed snow removal bylaw for downtown businesses?
No   38     41%
Yes   55     59%
 Total Votes: 93

Comments   Add Your Own
Darren  ( June 20, 2017)
The "Old Boys Club" is still alive and running the city. Nothing ever changes! Why should the residential tax payer bear the brunt of downtown clean up. The business owners, especially the bars should clean up the cigarette butts from their door ways.
Talking about clout  ( June 19, 2017)
It was so touching to see how a simple petition got such a quick response from council to withdraw the proposed snow removal bylaw. Perhaps we should do the same to protest these outrageous, never ending tax increases that are put on the backs of "residential" taxpayers. We all know that the business sector runs this town. Home owners are the ones footing the bill for the luxuries downtown businesses benefit from, including services. Residents have no voice in this town and unless that changes, we will continue to be cash cows and will always come in second.
egk  ( June 18, 2017)
Do not businesses pay taxes? With the amount of city employed people you would think they could clean streets instead of sitting in coffee shops... but then some coffee shops would close down for lack of business.
Fred  ( June 17, 2017)
If they were going to make downtown businesses responsible for clearing sidewalks, then they should of made it for all businesses in the city plus residential as well, like other cities do. Also when is the city going to start making property owners clean up over grown lots full of weeds and grass over three feet tall, this goes for city property as well. Over grown hedges and trees blocking sidewalks. Maybe the by-law enforcement officers could start doing proactive enforcing instead of being reactive and waiting for someone to complain.
BOB  ( June 16, 2017)
Not only should the downtown businesses be responsible for the snow removal in the winter they should be responsible for the cleaning of the sidewalks in front of their business year round. Seeing as the downtown business owners carry such clout maybe they could petition the City to repair the paving stones at the intersection of Main St and 2nd St S. What a shame for The focal point of the downtown. This pot hole has been there for years now and the City Public Works just throws in more asphalt.
Tony  ( June 16, 2017)
I guess council realized that the business owners aren't all millionaires.
p.k  ( June 15, 2017)
I think it was totally wrong in the first place to expect people to shovel public side walks in front of their places. We used to get garbage pick up on our taxes now it's extra that should not be either.
Herb  ( June 15, 2017)
The "downtown" seems to want all the services for a lower or no cost.The residential cash cows pay a higher rate of the tax base than the commercial. Yet the commercial "downtown" sector seems to get services before other areas of town do.
