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Are you concerned that local tax increases and the rising cost of living will make Kenora too expensive a place for people to live?
No   16     13%
Yes   109     87%
 Total Votes: 125

Comments   Add Your Own
Gord  ( June 14, 2017)
Taxes here are going to sink this town you want the store owners to shovel their own snow are you going to get rid of some employees because you do not need them.Stop planting flowers at such a ridiculous price. Where is the casino to bring in money & tax revenue. Start charging for parking, boat ramps. Go to Manitoba and see if it is free.
big george   ( June 13, 2017)
there is lots of ways to cut spending by millions of dollars but this council just will not do it. Why? l have no idea. First reduce the police force by at least 50 per cent saving $3 million there; privatize half of public works and save another million or so and another big expense is the tourist center - shut it down and sell it, another million saved. Maybe the one at the border would then open...
BOB  ( June 13, 2017)
It seems that our last few elected councils have not practiced fiscal responsibility {like most Canadians}. They have continually purchased a Cadillac when a Chevrolet would of served the purpose. Like many in Kenora who have voiced their concerns about the rapidly rising tax rates, water rates etc. I do not see my wife and I living our retirement years in the town we have lived in and contributed to most of our lives. Unless the Municipal leaders elected or hired can tighten their belts when it comes to spending my tax dollars we will be relocating by 2025.
Dl  ( June 13, 2017)
If you don't want to pay taxes, go live in the bush.
Chris  ( June 13, 2017)
As a person soon to retire, I have been doing my financial planning. I see this town being too expensive to stay in. I see a common thread in this discussion of the "Tax Payer" aka "Cash Cows" having had enough of shouldering the tax burden. There are too many people living in and around town that either don't pay taxes or demand more services than their tax contributions are worth. Since we are a tourist trap, why not impose a city tax on hotel rooms? Happens in most cities now! Charge non residents a fee for free services like boat launching and docking. Like a lot of people, I too have had enough. We can't hope that the province is going to pay for bridge repair. Shut down the Keewatin bridge to commercial traffic and make the Bypass a toll route! That might get some attention. Sad times for a once vibrant town.
pk again  ( June 12, 2017)
I also think it is wrong for the town to expect people to clear side walks in front of their places. Are they going to lay off all snow clearing crews?
Taxpayer  ( June 12, 2017)
We have to get the freeloaders who work in town and don't pay property taxes to start. People who live on McKenzie Portage and Storm Bay for example. They are no different than those of us who live in town. A quick and easy way to increase the tax base as well as eliminate the inequality.
STAN  ( June 12, 2017)
Being a recent pensioner, and realizing my new income, I honestly can't see why I'd want to stay in a town where the rent is exorbitant, if not ridiculous, where gas is always up there, where there is little to no places to place seniors, where unemployment is running rampant because of lack of big companies wanting to come to Kenora. All Kenora has going for it is it's situated on the lake. That's it. A seasonal tourist trap! Nothing more. Simply a go-nowhere, no future town. Sure go ahead and jack up the taxes all you want, but, there'll come a time when you'll take a good hard look around and you'll realize that the tax paying public has had enough and have all packed up and moved to where living is totally affordable again. Average retirees who have lived and worked all their lives and paid taxes here will not be able to afford to die here. They'll be taxed out of town.The town is going to cut off its nose to spite its face.
John  ( June 12, 2017)
Taxes are going to kill this place. Boat capital my foot. We should be called the No. 1 taxed city in Northern Ontario
Walter  ( June 12, 2017)
Taxes here are outrageous now never mind raising them. My family and I have decided to leave. We have priced other places and we will save a lot of money from taxes and other costs. Good riddance Kenora.
