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Given OCCPS recommends five additional officers bringing the OPP quote closer to the KPS quote, should council be revisiting their decision?
No   100     42%
Yes   136     58%
 Total Votes: 236

Comments   Add Your Own
Gary  ( December 21, 2008)
I find it funny that only certain comments get posted on this site. What a farce.
Me  ( December 21, 2008)
I see webmaster will only delete the votes that he wants. If they are on the NO side they get deleted on the Yes side they stay,hmmmm is the webmaster somewhat bias. Well we all new that at the start, this like all the rest are a scam.
Maxine  ( December 21, 2008)
Not totally happy with the way I worded my previous message so am writing again (but didn't vote again). Had some harsh words for council but want to make clear that I believe there are some council members who do have a moral compass. Unfortunately they're being manipulated by an expert puppet master. It would be wonderful if somehow overnight they woke up to the truth of this and did what is morally right. But am not holding my breath because they've been sucked in. I was brought up to believe that refusing to acknowledge and apologize for my wrong deeds was worse than the deeds themselves. It was a hard lesson but am glad to have been taught it. We have certain council members who know wrong was done and who can't bring themselves to admit it no matter how foolish that makes them look. I think that even "friends" of council who are standing up for them know that wrong was done. We preach morality at young people all the time but what an example we're setting them! If only those who have the power to try and right a wrong would take it. Now there would be an example for everyone to follow! I think that would help to bring some healing to this community that has been needlessly divided. Whoever was chosen to police Kenora, there would have been problems for some families. That was unavoidable. But so much extra hurt, distress and expense has been caused by this skewered process. All because we have some people in positions of power who believe that winning is everything and never mind if truth and honesty are bulldozed in the process.
Webmaster  ( December 21, 2008)
There are a few people who are trying to skew the poll by submitting multiple votes. To keep the numbers representative, I will be doing the following: If there are a number of votes coming from the same IP address, I will be deleting ALL those votes. This is policing folks. Lets try to keep it honest.
Further to my last remark  ( December 21, 2008)
Attacking the Board has nothing to do with this question and simply strengthens my argument that those comments are being steered. When are we going to start thinking for ourselves and start loving one and other again instead of being lead down the garden path?
  ( December 21, 2008)
The PSB has my full support. This nonsense about what it is costing the community is a weak attempt to thwart due diligence. The PSB position may not be conducive to OPP supporters, but that doesn't mean their position is erroneous. WE should be grateful we have such committed people in this community. WHY does everyone speak to costs when it has to do with policing but make no complaint about the countless ways the City is continuing to invade the public purse with other projects? $1,000,000 on consulting in a year, $5,000,000 to a fire hall, paying the highest bidding consultant on the policing issue with $60,000 difference between the lowest bid? Why weren't you all crying foul then? Give me a break, the argument is weak against the board, it just so happens it doesn't suit your cause. Way to go Colin, John and Pat! Don't get lost in people laying the blame where the blame is not due. (It's probably steered anyway).
Ann  ( December 21, 2008)
I agree with Hockey Dad when he asks what deal with the devil did council do in order to ignore all the information put before them. OPP, KPS, who cares? What is being overlooked by many is all the behind the scenes stuff. Why would we go along with a mayor & council who have ignored every single fact & figure put before them. If they're so right, then why haven't they explained it to us dummies? Why are they hiding behind a wall of silence? Why are they hurrying this process along? Wham, OCCOPS gives their decision and they can't even wait until after Christmas to have the special council meeting to pass the bylaw! What's a week or two? The world wouldn't end if they waited until Jan. 2009. What they've done is hi-jack Christmas. For pete's sake, they're using the Christmas season to advance their agenda. We all know how busy people are at this time of year. They're counting on that to keep the numbers down at the meeting and to prevent any kind of protests. They don't want the citizens to have time to organize. A genuine mayor & council don't need to hide from their citizens. We're a bunch of nit wits for letting them get away with this. By the way, did anyone notice that council passed a bylaw allowing Mr. Compton & Mr. McMillan to remain on a committee when their terms are up? That's unprecedented. Normally a new council means new committee members. Just think, their influence will continue unabated. Hey, where's the moving van? I'm leaving town!
Maxine  ( December 21, 2008)
Reading all these posts is amazing. Everyone has facts & figures to support their viewpoint. There's misinformation on both sides although I'd say there's an awful lot of people on the "lets get on with it & have the OPP" who have fallen hook, line & sinker for some totally bogus "facts". I'll bet council loves it that we're all focused on pro KPS or pro OPP sentiments. While we argue facts & figures they just sit there quietly waiting for Monday to roll around. We actually shouldn't be focused on who will be the better police force. What we need to look at it how we got to this point. There is no one who can truthfully (note the word truthfully) say the process was not geared towards the OPP from the start. You talk about the Police Services Board wasting money! Ha! What about council wasting money on the most ridiculously inept tendering process I've ever seen. And when citizens dug around and exposed all this did council do the right thing and say "oops, sorry, we messed up, we'll retender"? No, in their arrogance they've continued refusing to answer questions or to justify their conduct. Democracy in Kenora is DEAD! Totally stone cold dead. What scares me is what other deals are they working on behind our backs? By letting them get away with this we've given them carte blanche to do whatever they want in the future. From what I see they have nothing but contempt for the citizens of Kenora and will use their remaining time in power to achieve all their goals, then walk away laughing. I'm not saying all members of council have this attitude but enough of them so that they've killed democracy in Kenora. And if one more person says we voted them in I'm going to shriek. I've never voted for a politician with the idea "okay, now you go do whatever you want". I expect them to listen to me and my fellow citizens. I'd like to end by commending the Police Services Board for recognizing wrongdoing and trying to do the moral and just thing.
Gus Hollinsworth  ( December 21, 2008)
If Mr. Watkins is any indication of what OPP are going to put out on the street then we are in deep Doo Doo. Jack Watkins has about as much credibility in the city of Kenora as governor Rod Blagojevich has in the state of Illinois. We could have saved a lot of time and money if council had gone to one of our schools and got a fifth grader. If he did screw up he would not make the same mistake twice. WE THE TAXPAYERS SHOULD DEMAND OUR MONEY BACK
Chris  ( December 21, 2008)
The Police Service board has a $37,000.00 outstanding Legal bill!!?? When I heard this, I spoke with someone who was present at the most recent meetings and was told the board only has $7000.00 in their account. This bill apparently is not the final? The KPS association offered to help pay with a $10,000.00 donation,which only covers about 1/2? .... THEN, during the same meeting, the board votes to appeal another court ruling!!!!? Who the heck is going to pay for this nonsense? All these challenges and delays are costing us a fortune. Yeah, the taxpayers should be angry, but not with council. How do we hold those members of the Police Board Accountable when the dust settles? Chief Jorgenson declared at the OCCOPS hearing that he actually lives in Laclu. Unlike the chief, I pay my taxes to the city of Kenora and will be one of the many who will have to foot the bill.
