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Did Governor General Michaelle Jean make the right decision to prorogue Parliament until the New Year?
No   73     33%
Yes   145     67%
 Total Votes: 218

Comments   Add Your Own
P.O.'d voter  ( December 5, 2008)
All this because Harper refused to recklessly throw our tax dollars at big corporations in order to ensure their CEO's get there huge Xmas bonus. Baa humbug. Dion and Layton should be thrown in jail for treason for alligning themselves with the seperatist Bloc (who by the way is not even a national party, but thats another poll). Maybe Harper should call another election, since the Liberals are broke, maybe we can get rid of them once and for all.
Paula  ( December 5, 2008)
This is one big fiasco! What a bunch of oppurtunists. I'm p****d about the whole thing. We require government stablity in this economic climate. The BS coalition should not have put Canada in this predicament. And Harper was being an A-hole. His party won a minority government. Maybe he needs to be replaced. I don't like any of the Liberal canidates for leader and Jack Layton from the NDP conspired this week with the Block-wing nut gamblers and now the separtists party in Quebec have benefited the most. And Alberta the Princes crybaby is whinning again! I'm p****d about the whole thing!
Mike  ( December 5, 2008)
While perfectly legal I was opposed to having a prime minister who was unelected leading the country for several months and then being taken over by another unelected prime minister when Dion steps down. This may still take place but I think it is best to slow down and ensure stability in our government for now and deal with the new budget in 2009.
  ( December 5, 2008)
I don't think there was really much of a choice. It's ludicrous to think that Dion could end up running this country when he was so undeniably trounced in the last election. I am not so much for, or against, the coalition as I am against the fact that we Canadian voters are being slapped in the face Suddenly we see that our vote means nothing. I predict that, if we go to an election the Conservatives will win - with a majority. I am VERY unhappy with Harper's pompous provoking and he has landed us in this mess with his arrogance. He acts as though he had a majority government. If one was really wise one would check the lengthy of the junkyard dog's chain, before poking it with a stick. What a mess. The message we are receiving is that even when the Liberals lose, they win! In the long run, I think the best thing for Canada is to end the coalition, get the elected government back to work, albeit much humbled. Canadians deserve much better than this.
