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Given OCCPS recommends five additional officers bringing the OPP quote closer to the KPS quote, should council be revisiting their decision?
No   100     42%
Yes   136     58%
 Total Votes: 236

Comments   Add Your Own
still not being fooled  ( December 22, 2008)
I am glad to see there are still votes coming in (after the Monday council meeting). I couldn't be there due to prior commitments, (and council's slippery Christmas gift to the citizens by pushing the meeting through within less than 24 business hours). The reports I received from the meeting described a democratic fiasco of extraordinary proportion. I spoke with people that were awed at how our mayor bullied the speakers (all pro KPS and delivering rational, intelligent deputations). And how council (not all) failed to do due diligence, (do what a reasonable person would do), after seeing the disfunction in the process and the new information. And what is with directing all questions to councillor McCann and having him rudely snub all queries? Who does he work for any way? And who do the "uniformed" OPP officers that appeared work for? Were they "on duty"? Did the Province (spelled provincial tax payer - us) pay their wages while they were there? Is appearing in uniform at something like this in accordance with the OPP code of ethics and Police Act or an example of the type of judgement we can expect from them? I somehow feel we are fortunate a good investigative reporter didn't key in on this. The world would know, but we probably wouldn't survive the publicity. I hope the poll continues - along with the comments. Kudos to the councilors that wouldn't commit to the "unknown". You have been diligent.
Paula  ( December 22, 2008)
I like our KPS, it gives our community some identity I relate to. However, we need our community to be better connected to our Province. The OPP have "bench strength"-they can put the dots together with access to more resources than a small stand alone police force when it comes to investigations solving crime. I like Julian Fantino (the OPP Comissioner). He doesn't mess around with politically correct positions. He's here to enforce the law and this area needs it more than other areas because of our unique situation on the fringe of the Province. Law, order and good governace are the cornerstones to civil society, gives assurance to people and confidence to business development.
For your info  ( December 22, 2008)
Council meeting just ended. Same results as the last time. Resolution and bylaw passed, final disbandment of KPS in June. No groundswell of citizen support, about evenly split between those "for" and "against". (40-50 total people) Usual names made deputations with predicable content. Time to move on.
Carver Should take a breath  ( December 22, 2008)
This comment is to Miss Carver. I find it appaling that she would make comments in an open forum about the personal health of a member of councills family. She should be ashamed. I would like to thank council for sticking to there original decision. The numbers are known and the OPP will be cheaper and they can provide a wide range of services that no other municipal police service could. Give them the chance and they will exceed the expectations of this community.
jill  ( December 22, 2008)
One of my biggest issues, is how about all the people who will be losing jobs? There are likely about 15 !!
The other issue, is who exactly does Mayor Compton work for?? Answer: Len Compton! Who pays Mayor Compton?? Answer: The City of Kenora. Who "is" the City of Kenora? Answer: WE ARE....the citizens!! Is there something wrong with this picture!? Who 'should' Mayor Compton be working for? Answer: The citizens of Kenora!

He is using his power of mayor, to be a manipulative bully, and satisfy his own selfish needs and desires. He doesnt care about the people! He doesnt care about the money! He can afford higher taxes! Maybe the rest of us cant...especially those 15 who wont have jobs anymore!
Outside Looking In  ( December 21, 2008)
It is my belief that had the local media provide fair and unbiased reporting on this issue, the whole matter would not have been so inflamed. With the addition of the 5 extra police officers on the road I would imagine the savings will still be in the $1M per year area.
Perhaps Council should look at the dysfunctional police services board who have lead us into this mess deeper and deeper. Who is paying the big Toronto lawyer bills. If you think the $37,000 is the end, guess again when the appeal is filed I would imagine the bill will be upwards of .5M$.
A wage increase of 4.5% when the community has lost three wood related mills and people are crying for work. I thought council had instructed all city managers to negotiate at a modest wage increase. Maybe the negotiators for the PSB(Mr. Poirier , Wasacase and Tresoor) didn't hear or care what council told them. Council was elected by the citizens of Kenora, the Police Services Board was appointed.
The Petition was a farce and not worth the paper it was written on. Too many duplicate signatures not to mention no accountablity on who signed it.
What was the question? " Do you support the KPS" Yes everybody supports our boys and girls in blue they do a wonderful job and will still be doing the same job but with a different uniform, colour of cruiser and a new Commander.

Thanks  ( December 21, 2008)
I apologize for making this personal, but I would like to respond to the post that stated the OPP were better qualified to police our community - if that were true - why couldn't they determine the number of officers needed to keep our community safe? Also, the post regarding the webmaster's comments - he said he was removing the votes of people voting twice, not the No votes. I would personally like to thank those people that took the time and energy to read all the information, look at the facts, and who had the courage to stand up and present their well reasoned arguments in such a professional manner. Those people never made it about the OPP or the KPS, they made it clear this was about honesty and integrity in our elected officials and City administration, and accountability for their actions. There are many people in this community that are deeply grateful for your courage. And thanks to the media for provding this opportunity for free speech. Folks, read the question at the top of the poll, respond appropriately and don't make it personal. If you have information to share, make a deputation at the Council meeting tomorrow.
WEBMASTER  ( December 21, 2008)
1. Most of the multiple votes were 'no' votes. One voter voted No 8 times. I deleted votes as I indicated previously.
2 No comments have been excluded. If you have an example, e-mail me at publisher@kenoraenterprise.com
Dana  ( December 21, 2008)
Incorrect information is FAR too rampant in this matter. If you are willing to expend energy on arguing, PLEASE take the time to read the information and get your facts straight. I suggest going to kenora.com and clicking on "Council Police Costing Review" the final report by McCann sums up the information nicely: "In addition, a late proposal submitted by KPS identified an option of 46 KPS members, a reduction of 5 members from their original 51 members.", "KPS proposal made no provision for 2008 salary estimates.", "KPS did not factor annual vehicle capital costs into Police Costing Review Final Report their costing proposals (estimated at $80,000/annum.", "OPP did not identify proceeds from purchase or sale of surplus KPS equipment if OPP were successful" you may discover some interesting information that hasn't been presented by those so diligently fighting to keep their beloved KPS. hmmm...
Doug  ( December 21, 2008)
Well, the coffee shop conspiracy theorists are at it again. Does anyone seriously believe that there has been some great conspiracy between city council, a consulting firm from southern Ontario, the upper management of the OPP and the Provincial Government? Some one please explain what the benefit would be to these agencies to enter into such a conspiracy? The poor councilors certainly are seeing no benefit? The consulting firm knows they are getting paid regardless of their recommendation? Do the OPP and government feel that Kenora is key to the provinces policing strategy and look forward to dealing with all our social problems? This is not a matter of conspiracy, it is a matter of common sense. Slice, dice and spin all you want, the OPP has the bodies, funding and equipment that our city needs now and for the future. To ignore this is being willfully blind. This has become more a matter of pride for this "No Deal" group who have taken such a hardened stand right from the start that to relent would now mean losing face. This group will never listen to reason or fact and I hope the council ends this tomorrow so all our officers can begin working together for the common goal of our safety.
