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Do you think we should have a permanent bridge to Coney Island that would still allow unrestricted boat traffic?
No   58     43%
Yes   78     57%
 Total Votes: 136

Comments   Add Your Own
Progressive Redneck  ( October 24, 2008)
What a wonderful opportunity for all local citizens to enjoy Coney's wonderment! This would be another boost for our tourism industry as well.
Joyce Chevrier  ( October 24, 2008)
While the residents of Coney Island would like the island to remain private there should be easier access to the municipal beach area for the people who would like to use it.
Chuck  ( October 24, 2008)
I agree this is a mighty fine idea and would be great for lots of folks. However let's finish the started projects first....like the downtown project. I am quite confident the roundabout is going to gobble up much more money with required tweaks. And what about the trail system which goes nowhere. Rabbit Lake Road and Railway Street still require proper sidewalks and drainage systems, lights ,etc.
