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 Online Poll
Do you agree with the provincial government pushing to allow the sale of wine and beer in corner stores?
No   85     62%
Yes   52     38%
 Total Votes: 137

Comments   Add Your Own
john  ( June 6, 2019)
It depends on where, we have enough problems here with people hanging around the beer and liquor stores we don't need them around our corners stores and such. Good idea, but not here.
pk  ( June 5, 2019)
It doesn't matter where they sell it I would just like to see it for a little more reasonable price. I would support buck-a-beer much more than beer at every corner store.
Hartley  ( June 5, 2019)
The unions and the beer store monopoly have had it their way too long. Sell beer and wine in the grocery stores like the rest of the modern world. In the real world of privatization such as Alberta, you can actually get a deal when buying large amounts. Sure doesn't happen in Ontario. Yes there will be nay sayers, going on about those with problems etc. Sucks to be them. The rest of us enjoy the convenience!
Tim Francis   ( June 5, 2019)
They could have waited until their contract was over and saved the tax payer an estimated billion dollars in penalties. The Conservatives love sticking it to the unions, no matter what it costs the ones footing the bill.
