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 Online Poll
Do you think Kenora has a good attitude towards tourism and tourists?
No   94     78%
Yes   27     22%
 Total Votes: 121

Comments   Add Your Own
RH  ( June 12, 2007)
The attitude of the downtown businesses is fairly good toward tourists, Some far better than others. The ones that insist on closing early Friday and Saturday and close on Sundays need a serious reality check. They are the first ones to whine about how slow things are in the Winter but refuse to cater to the tourists when the business is there. The worst attitude however is from many of the general public, the fact is that without the mill and other major employers in this town the tourists and summer residents keep many of the stores you enjoy all year round in business, I'm sure many operate at a loss in the middle of winter just to cater to the locals because they know they can make it back in tourists season, so thank them next time you are in their stores. As for the fishing and boat launch comments, if you want a private lake for your own enjoyment, go buy one, Lake of the Woods is not yours, SUCK IT UP.
Darren  ( June 12, 2007)
When you look at tourists versus "summer residents", we treat the tourists quite good.
The summer residents ie those people from 2 hours west are another case. They drive like maniacs, are rude to store employees if they have to wait at a check out, they are a menace on the water and absolute scavengers when it comes to fishing and fish limits.
They seem to think they are doing us a favor by them being here!
Bob  ( June 12, 2007)
We are so stuck in the past that modern tourists probably avoid us. Its not about fishing and hunting anymore. Modern tourists look for eco friendly events and family oriented outings.
Even for locals, customer service sucks. Imagine a tourist being faced by poor service in a restaurant, drunks on the street and on going road work.
No wonder the bypass is so busy.
lllm  ( June 12, 2007)
Does anyone in the city of Kenora realize in $ how much tourists benefit the city? We would be really in trouble without them... you think your taxes are high now... think of where they would be without the $10 million and up that the tourists pump into the city every year....get real.
William T  ( June 11, 2007)
I see tourists by the hundreds ever year catching fish at these factory-sized resorts on the lake and not releasing any. Yes, I have to admit I don't like tourist season and am happy to see them leave in the fall.
Phyllis  ( June 11, 2007)
My attitude is not that good, but it would change dramatically if we could teach the 'Tobans how to use the boat launches...
  ( June 11, 2007)
Not all businesses do but... the customer service at many of our local larger businesses is terrible! Not just to tourists but to local shoppers. I hate to mention names, but what kind of a company would have 12-14 check-outs and still allow customers to line up into the woman's clothing section due to only 3-4 check-outs being open? Otherwise, I think Kenora does fairly well in the tourism department otherwise I don't think that people would continue to come back.
