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 Online Poll
Should Ontario merge its public and separate school systems?
No   97     57%
Yes   74     43%
 Total Votes: 171

Comments   Add Your Own
  ( May 11, 2007)
For people who wish to maintain a religious education for their children the separate school board is important.
mother  ( May 11, 2007)
My kids attend the separate school system for a reason; I like the idea of some religious education in their day. I had the Lord's Prayer and such when I was in school and wanted my kids to have the same... I am not a churchgoer or "bible thumper" but appreciate a little religion in my kids life
Myron  ( May 11, 2007)
Of course they should, but they won't. Having education systems based upon religion is something our grandchildren will look back on and think "Man, were those guys in the dark ages!" It'll take another generation or two before it's a thing of the past, as it should be.
