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C. J. Thornton  ( September 2, 2006)
I would just like to say a big HOORAY! to those responsible to get this Skatepark up and going for the residents of Kenora. It is great for the young citizens of the area. It gives them a safe place to "skate" and improve their skills. Who knows we may have a future Olympian in our midst. Kudos to you all
Jan  ( September 2, 2006)
I am sure that for the kids, wearing a helmet is not cool, but, skate parks look like an accident waiting to happen.My biggest concern would be concussion! However if it was manditory I think kids would still use the park just as much.
Mike Richards  ( September 2, 2006)
The boys shouldnt have to wear helmats,but there should be at least a sign that says "use no protection on your own risk"
Rick  ( September 1, 2006)
Two things are undeniable: (1) Every town/city that has built a skateboard park has a hospital staff that will tell you of the many injuries that come from lack of helmets, and (2) Enforcement of a helmet requirement is impossible.
A.P.S.  ( September 1, 2006)
Helmets AND knee, elbow pads etc. Who is liable for skateborders injuries, themselves or the City?
  ( September 1, 2006)
The City's position not requiring a helmet only to AVOID liability could backfire, and result in extraordinary damages assessed against the city since any judge could see that a head injury in the park was entirely predictable; and preventable had a helmet rule been enforced.
Roger  ( August 31, 2006)
Although the kids don't want "the man" to tell them what to do. It is "the man" that has to pay for there medical treatment or worse, long term care because they scrambled their brains because they are to cool for a helmet.
Concerned Parent  ( August 31, 2006)
The park is on town property and like it or not there is a huge liability issue here that has to be considered. You might say it's their own fault when they get hurt, but when it happens they will look for someone to blame, quess who that will be. Call it the American blame game comes to Canada.
Anon.  ( August 31, 2006)
It is human nature to skirt rules even if they are for one's personal ptotection and safety -call it risktaking. It is therefore necessary to protect people from their own folly, especially when society must pick up the tab for resultant injury.
