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Terry  ( June 23, 2006)
Why not add gun towers and barb wire.If you want kids to stay in school and finish school,keeping them in it year round is not the way to do it!
kathleen  ( June 23, 2006)
The kids are out on the 22nd of June, go for a week to summer camp on the 26th, have a week visiting the grandparents, two weeks of swim lessons, a one week visit from the step siblings then roughly two weeks of summer fun before its time to get ready for school again... this happens every summer... the kids are kept busy and off the streets and crave beach time by mid August! Ten months is just fine.
Dave  ( June 23, 2006)
There could be 3 four month rotating semesters. Each student would have the summer off at some point as well as most of the winter. School in summer would cut down on energy costs. The class loads could also be rotated so as not to require any additional teachers.
lisa  ( June 22, 2006)
Three weeks a month with a week off every month and two at xmas.the children would retain more information and learn easier because less skeills would be lost over the summer months
Mike  ( June 22, 2006)
Let's get real!! When are families supposed to take vacation. When would older kids get work experience? Younger kids get the camp/beach/cottage experience. And when would Grade 11 and 12 kids save up for college or university? While perhaps two months off for the summer is a long stretch, how many young people would not pursue a teaching career based on that alone?
