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  ( October 17, 2006)
The MNR should start fining people who feed the deer as it is against the law. Also most people I know are not hunters and they all say there is a major deer problem in Kenora. It will take a small child to get attacked by a buck in heat before people realize that something needs to be done.
rita  ( October 15, 2006)
sounds like a plan,but who would be doing this and at what cost........
Hunter  ( October 15, 2006)
It seems it was'nt to long ago people were feeding these deer in their own backyards and now they are complaining about them? We have created this problem for ourselves. Now we must find a way to solve this problem even if it mean finacial solution.They could cause a danger to children especially in time in a rut season.
  ( October 14, 2006)
I don't have a problem with bears or skunks at my house but have a huge deer problem to the point of getting charged by deer in my own yard! The city pays animal control to remove bear and skunks from private yards as they are a problem so where is that 'fair to all taxpayers'? Animal control is hired by the city to trap and remove all nuisance animals.
Dave  ( October 14, 2006)
Just what we need a bunch of "gomers" trecking through the back yards killing deer!
  ( October 13, 2006)
And who would do this harvesting, the dog catcher? That's a good one.
Brad  ( October 13, 2006)
Just what we need, people with weapons in our back yards. Not only that, if you check with the Health Unit, you may find they frown on supplying people with meats etc. that have not been inspected and whose methods of processing and storage are in question.
Hunter Jim  ( October 13, 2006)
I think the deer herd in the Kenora Area should at least have one refuge, and its nice to see deer in the backyard from time to time.
harvester  ( October 13, 2006)
i agree with Terry. Maybe the tags should be two for the price of one or maybe three to one. Lets do something now or wait for CWD to wipe the herd out. MNR is always looking for a cash cow...
Randy  ( October 13, 2006)
I don't think there is a deer problem. The only people I hear saying there is a deer problem are hunters. It's like fisherman saying there's a walleye problem and they need their limits raised. There will always be deer on the side of the road, no matter the level of hunting. If it's truly an issue of public safety with vehicles, you would think the insurance companies would be pushing for the extra tags or atleast paying for them. I'm worried about banging into a big walleye with my boat...pleeeeease let me bring home more fish?
