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 Online Poll
Do you agree with the Ontario government plan to reduce the number of health units in the province from 35 to 10 by 2021?
No   115     59%
Yes   80     41%
 Total Votes: 195

Comments   Add Your Own
shelley  ( April 29, 2019)
We get cuts, cuts, cuts but our taxes go up,up,up. And not everyone pays taxes to support the services that we fight for every year. Get rid of the double school board, if you need religion, go to your place of worship.
  ( April 29, 2019)
How about the School Boards. Do we really need 76 school boards in the province. Some school boards in the north have four schools. Imagine the money that could be saved and used for teachers if the government forced school boards to amalgamate. Maybe 10 Public Regional School Boards to cover the province and a similar number of Separate School Boards.
ec  ( April 29, 2019)
As a former Ontario government employee I watched the dynasty of the MNR & MTO 22 & 20 District Headquarters respectfully collapse into Regional Headquarters offices. That collapse didn't impact the frontline workers but did get rid of the high paid duplication at a District level. The same would apply to the Health Units. Maybe 10 Regional Headquarters with 10 Medical Officers of Health and management team. The small units of frontline workers in each municipality would still be there, they would just report to a Regional Headquarters with less high paying jobs rather than 52.
Right  ( April 29, 2019)
Ontario residents, never mind Northwestern Ontario residents, have very little influence on what takes place around the current health care debates. Tax payers are paying 'sunshine list' wages to folks that have no clue to what is happening from the view of front line or first point of contact staff. This province/county has never been this out of whack! Ontario is beginning to look not so beautiful
PROPERTY TAX PAYERS  ( April 28, 2019)
Perhaps the question in next weeks poll should ask, Do you agree with the Provincial government downloading the costs of health units to municipalities (property tax payers), as that is the second part of their plan? In 1997 social & health costs were downloaded to property tax payers. Been there, done that, and it didn’t work out so well for us.
ELAINE  ( April 27, 2019)
Our city’s and towns in Northwestern Ont. Are to many miles apart for people to go the nearest health unit. Don’t forget we have poor bus services in NWO. Cut out all the top people and create more home care people. And also, if you hand out a needle to someone, to get another you must bring in the used one. That might help cleaning up the streets.
pk  ( April 26, 2019)
If the health unit is like other government agencies then they are well overstaffed. With the modern communications available now I'm sure they could get along well (with fewer staff and managers). I think Ford is on the right track I only hope he doesn't cut too far.
Hartley  ( April 26, 2019)
Another part of trying to repair the damage done by those friendly Liberals. The health unit is over staffed. They seem to have an inspector or coordinator for everything. If you look at what other units in southern Ontario cover, you could close five of them and not even come close to what this one covers. To all the negative answers, you do realize it is a consideration and nothing is written in stone.
Joe  ( April 26, 2019)
They are going to do whatever they want I still believe we should join Manitoba.
Prevention is key  ( April 26, 2019)
Getting rid of the body that offers prevention is ridiculous. Keeping people out of the expensive health system is key to cost savings.
