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  ( February 7, 2007)
There are many valid and obvious reasons for banning cell phones from the classroom, but is there absolutely any reason for allowing them in the classroom, other than one lone student crying 'human rights'?
A Mom  ( February 7, 2007)
The children are there to learn and I say children as that is how they are all acting even thinking of having a cell phone, using mp3's and ipods. When we went to school,we had Lord's Prayer, listened to the teacher and did our work or failed our class. Since discipline taken away the kids have taken over.
A mom  ( February 6, 2007)
I don't think that they should, but will that stop them?? Phone features include muted tones, text messaging and vibrate most teachers are likely not even aware of half the students that are using them during class time. I empathize with the teachers, but in the end who are the cell phones actually hurting? The teachers still bring home a pay cheque and have enough classroom responsibility without having to search and strip students of personal possessions they have brought from their own home. Make parents take responsibility and have control over their own children's lives.
HB  ( February 4, 2007)
With so much of the teacher?s control in the class room eroded and the blatant disregard for authority shown by some students towards those who are trying to educate them, a cell phone is just another way to disrupt a class. If the students cannot control or self regulate their usage, then the school should forbid their usage.

The schools should also consider small localized transmitters that jam cell phone transmitting and receiving within the school as they do in some hospitals and theaters. I find it a sad comment upon our education system that we would even have to consider such a question.

We all pay taxes to have our children educated and have the teachers paid to teach them. If we cannot ask or expect a student to turn off their cell phone, blackberry or mp3 player then the system has truly failed.

We are in competition with the world for high tech jobs, modern industrial facilities, and a high standard of living. If we cannot produce educated and disciplined youth from our schools to compete with the world then the country will eventually find itself at the proverbial short end of the stick. The terrible thing is that the students that need the education the most are the ones least likely to get it for the convenience of a cell phone.
Brad  ( February 4, 2007)
A big no. This should also go for hats, earphones, mp3 players and clothing that in anyway depicts or promotes poor behavior. It is no wonder students today have such a poor work ethic when they graduate. They have no structure in the school environment but have multiple distractions!
teacher  ( February 3, 2007)
Definitely not in the classroom, show some respect to the people who put a priority on their education and not on being a social butterfly. Bad enough to listen to cell phones going off in restaurants by some ignorant people who think they are so important.
Rick James  ( February 2, 2007)
Like seriously you parents are so up tight loosen up and let your kids have fun... you guy did dum stuff when you were kids so let the kids have fun... cuz the only stuff you remember is the dumb stuff you do which is usually the fun stuff!
Dave  ( February 2, 2007)
Definatly not. Not only does it distract the user, but those around them. Since most of these kids have reatively short attention spans anyway, they dont need the distraction.
Not only that, can you text me the answer to question 4 on the exam???
Patty  ( February 2, 2007)
No, I don't think students should have cell phones in the classroom. They are there to learn, not to be talking or text messaging to each other. I think that is most of the problem in the classrooms today. There is too many distractions for the students now. We didn't have cell phones or mp3 players when we went to school, let alone get to chew gum in class like they can now.
disgruntled parent  ( February 2, 2007)
It's bad enough that they are allowed to wear and use iPods and Discmans.
