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  ( August 6, 2006)
This town has enough problems without turning away the tourists that make this city what it really is A "TOURIST TOWN" What else do we have to look forward to besides more closures and job loss.
  ( August 5, 2006)
Sure, for a "RECENT" conviction perhaps, but from 20 years ago? Great way to keep them toursits coming isn't it?
  ( August 5, 2006)
Whose pocket would the money go in? It is ridiculous and that would be $200 less they would spend towards our economy
  ( August 4, 2006)
Yes, why not? They will refuse a Canadian entry to the US. for the same offence. Add to that the new requirements for Canadians entering the US in the next year, and I think we should charge them the $200.00 or in all due diligence refuse them entry.
