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Has the time come to give in to council on the policing issue and move on?
No   387     41%
Yes   554     59%
 Total Votes: 941

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Chris  ( March 8, 2008)
Council should open their eyes and see what this decision has done. I love that people in Kenora have stood up to what is wrong and they are trying to make it right. We have to stick together and get this vote changed. Hats off to the people that have organized the rallies!
Paul  ( March 8, 2008)
Yes enough is enough! Get over it, KPS is done! You chose these people to make decisions and they did. You will have another election and can chose to get rid of them at that point. Then you can chose the people that will get rid of the OPP then.
Concerned Citizen  ( March 7, 2008)
No of course we are not giving in. Council made a bad decision against the voices of the citizens of this city. They didnt listen to what everyone said and we must fight for the KPS! It was biased to begin with and all the people's voices were ignorned! NO DEAL NO DEAL NO DEAL
Concerned Citizen  ( March 7, 2008)
No of course we are not giving in. Counsil made a bad decision against the voices of the citizens of this city. They didnt listen to what everyone said and we must fight for the KPS! It was biased to begin with and all the peoples voices were ignorned! NO DEAL NO DEAL NO DEAL
Richard  ( March 7, 2008)
Sometimes I think we should support someone starting a business that runs on 'complaining', as we have a robust resource of that here in Kenora. We spend so much energy and time working on things we cannot change, that we have no time and energy left to work on the things we can change. The policing decision is done, let's move on.
Realist  ( March 7, 2008)
You vote for a council to make decisions and to be fiscally responsible. So they picked the least expensive policing option. Wrong decision? What if your child was held hostage at a school or murdered. Which police force would you want to respond? KPS? I doubt it.
Silent Major  ( March 7, 2008)
The words "giving in" are posed by the clearly biased newspaper. There is a group of people, passionately attached to the KPS, who have been writing in many letters, sometimes misinformed. They have been campaigning hard and some display ugly signs. When does this start to become hurtful to our community? Emotions aside, their efforts may only end up costing this town more dollars. I believe that the majority of Kenorites know that a democratic decision has already been made. Town council's majority vote to bring in the OPP, who already bring to this town many unseen services, is a good and fine decision. The KPS officers will keep their jobs and we will have an accountable, affordable police service. Since when is a council vote not democratic? As times change, we change with them. This is necessary to stay alive and grow.
Stop fighting and let's start working together.
Democracy Served  ( March 7, 2008)
I myself do not agree with council's decision to disband the KPS, but people, democracy has been served. I really do not understand those that say differently. We vote council in to make decisions on our behalf, like we do with all levels of government. We can do our best, each of us to try and influence the decisions made by elected officials, but at the end of the day, the decision is theirs. This is what we empowered them to do when we voted them in. Democracy is alive and well in Kenora, it's just that in this instance we didn't all agree with the decision.
Concerned Citizen  ( March 7, 2008)
Why would you want to give in to a council that does NOT listen to its citizens? Regardless of which issue it is, why would you ever stop the fight and let them "win"? We voted them in, we need to be heard!
eskimopogo  ( March 7, 2008)
The vote at the (KPSB) meeting was 3-2 not to accept the council's vote for the OPP. I also noticed Poirier did a complete flip flop and voted yes with Compton. Why the switch Andrew? You will also be remembered at the next election.
