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Will you continue to buy lottery tickets despite of the alleged frauds?
No   22     23%
Yes   72     77%
 Total Votes: 94

Comments   Add Your Own
LENNY  ( April 3, 2007)
Of course now the lottery commission will watch the ticket sales closer than ever and as the old sayin goes 'if you turn the lites on the rats run for their holes'.
Lotto Girl  ( April 3, 2007)
With the new check-your-own ticket system in place throughout Kenora now, there really doesn't have to be a worry about this. If you are worried - keep your non winning tickets, and the prize stubs from smaller-win tickets. I still want to be a millionaire!
annie  ( April 3, 2007)
Considering the foundation of a lottery is charity, one should remain happy to continue to donate regardless of who takes home the bigger prizes. We are so fortunate in this country and the depth of this question should remind us how lucky we really are.
CHRIS  ( April 2, 2007)
Sure! I'll still buy tickets. Why not? But from now on, I'll make a concerted effort to ensure I sign my name on the back,even if I know I only have a couple of numbers, (free ticket). Also, it wouldn't hurt to take your ticket to another outlet for a "second opinion."As for winning the"Big One", forget it! I firmly believe the powers that be, have since day one, programmed the central computer to only kick out a big winner only so often, and randomize the provinces. Just like Las Vegas,- no matter how much you've won, the house still remains the big winner at the end of the day. Why else are they still in business?
Wanda  ( April 2, 2007)
Why not!! You can still dream for a few bucks. Now if the government decided to suck the fun out of lotteries by taxing them, I would stop.
Mark  ( April 1, 2007)
Was there that much fraud? So the ticket sellers won more times. Then again, they are around tickets all the time. It would make sense that they would buy more tickets then the average person. Plus most work for minumum wage which would make the dream of winning big more attractive. Hey, if you are stupid enough to give a person who is struggling to make ends meet a million dollar ticket perhaps they and their family deserve it more.
Peter  ( March 31, 2007)
Of course I'm going to keep buying tickets...I'm not so sure it's a mater of fraud as it is people being too lazy to check their own tickets.
Myron  ( March 31, 2007)
Here's how I see it. If things were run honestly, you'd have one chance in a bizillion of winning the big one. In the current corrupted scenario, you have one chance in a bizillion of winning. What's the difference? Why in the world would this affect your buying of lottery tickets? Personally, I have never bought them nor do I plan on it.
Glenn  ( March 30, 2007)
The scamming of lottery tickets has been going on since they were introduced in the 70s! Before the lotteries, the scratch tickets etc. were returned to local distributors who knew how many big winners there should have been. If there was a chance a big win was in the returned tickets, the distributor would buy the tickets and win!!
Dave  ( March 30, 2007)
Why not, the amount these scavengers got is a mere pitance when you look at total lottery revenues. We know were some of the money went, where does the rest go. There are a lot of big salaries and commissions being paid legally!!
