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 Online Poll
Would you like to see a deer cull in the city?
No   110     48%
Yes   117     52%
 Total Votes: 227

Comments   Add Your Own
Bill  ( October 28, 2007)
There are more whitetail deer in the area now than ever before. They have migrated into the Northwest and Yukon Territories which is not whitetail habitat. They will eat almost anything and multiply rapidly somewhat like rats do. Hunters generally are NOT yahoos or wanton killers but conservationalists and care a great deal about nature and its critters. In southern Ontario, in populated areas, the hunters use shotguns to hunt. These firearms have a limited range and perhaps hunting should be allowed closer to the populated areas for shotguns only. This may eliminate some of the over population of whitetail deer in the city. We allow nuisance beaver culling so why not whitetails?
STAN  ( October 28, 2007)
No.Since time eternal,nature has always played an integral part in the process of natural selection and culling. When MAN sticks his nose into the equation,the sensitive balance gets disrupted for years and it's hard for the equilibrium to be restored. Blame our biologists who make the decisions as to what species should live or die just to make your life animal-free. So,we have an influx of deer in our backyards. Big whack! This hasn't been the case forever. Winter will surely do it's thing and cull out the deer. By next summer you may find there are no deer in your yards,and to see one, you'll have to drive out into the bush. Why not appreciate their majestic beauty up close while you still can, before the fall killers come and decimate their ranks all in the name of "sportsmanship".
...  ( October 27, 2007)
That's Cuelty. The Town is just as much their home as it is ours, more even. They were here years and years before we were. If anything the deer should organize a human cull.
Ernie  ( October 27, 2007)
Just what we need, a bunch of yahoos shooting guns or bows in city limits.
Don Innard  ( October 26, 2007)
I live in Norman and will have to consider an electric fence if I want to continue with a garden next year. With all the deer in the city it is not worth the effort to grow anything if the deer are going to use is all for salad or dessert.
Jim Rivington  ( October 26, 2007)
As a local provider of Auto insurance @ Lake of the Woods Insurance, we see the losses from our clients every day due to impact with auotmobile and Deer.
There are way too many Deer in the area and the out lying areas!!!!
  ( October 26, 2007)
Yes, but only if the meat went to feed the homeless.
  ( October 26, 2007)
I looked up the word cull in the dictionary and it says "a reduction of animal numbers, achieved by killing some of its members." or "remove somebody or something as worthless." Why do we want to do this? In the grand scheme of life are they really a problem?
Annie  ( October 26, 2007)
Unfortunately, it seems to be necessary. It's beyond a nuisance and the MVA menace looms large.
