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 Online Poll
Do you agree with faith based education systems?
Catholic Only   63     25%
No   134     54%
Yes   52     21%
 Total Votes: 249

Comments   Add Your Own
Dave  ( September 21, 2007)
The way to avoid clashes of faith albeit Muslim vs. Christian, or Catholic vs. Protestant etc., we need to integrate schools not segregate them. Religion needs to be left in the churches and homes not in schools or on the playgrounds.
Heather  ( September 21, 2007)
Today's Catholic schools are not like they were in the 50s. They simply have a different approach to education, and allow some religion into the kids school-life. You don't have to be Catholic to attend, and they don't expect non-Catholic students to convert to be accepted. The school just expects them to be respectful. If you don't like it, don't send your kids. It is a matter of choice. If there was a higher Muslim population in Kenora it wouldn't offend me to have a faith based Muslim school here. In Canada we are expected to honor all traditions, customs and cultures - that is why we are a multi-cultural society right? If you don't like it you have to leave Canada to get away from it.
Mike  ( September 20, 2007)
Well this is a touchy subject but I agree with faith based schools. Although I believe all faith based schools should have to teach and understand faiths other than their own as well. If you end up unhappy with the Catholic system at least you have the option of moving to the public system. Since all faith based schools get funding based on enrollment, and it is written into our constitution there really isn't anything to complain about.
Myron  ( September 20, 2007)
I grew up in faith-based schooling. My home province has since done away with faith-based education, and rightly so. There are more religions today than you can count, and each religion has many sub-religions. If you moved to a new community within Canada and had a choice of attending Islamic-based schooling or public schooling, how would you feel? Would it matter if the Islamic were better funded and provided a better education? That's how I felt when I brought my kids to Kenora, like I traveled back in time. Religion has no place in education unless the education is teaching children of ALL belief systems, their origins, etc. That does not happen in Catholic schools as much as they may say, as I checked into it when I first moved here. I think we are letting our kids down by continuing to have this ancient segregated education system within our communities.
