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Joe  ( March 8, 2019)
I really don't think it will make a difference. How about passing a by-law not allowing parking on the streets when you have a yard or driveway? This will free up space also store employees taking space.
kay  ( March 7, 2019)
No, people will park at Dollarama, No Frills, post office, behind city hall, Shoppers Drug Mart, Rec Centre, and any downtown business that is closed on the weekends. We need parking at the boat ramps, we cannot find any parking, tourists launch their boats and park for weeks.
lk  ( March 7, 2019)
It would be nice if local residents didn't have to be charged for everything that the council thinks the tourists pay for. Everything is so expensive in our so-called tourist destination, most bring all their supplies from Manitoba, so they don't park and shop anyway. So once again the locals get stuck with the money grab. Time to move!
conerned citizen  ( March 7, 2019)
Give tickets to summer residents who park on streets in Lakeside all summer long. Also charge for parking tickets we have to pay when we go to Winnipeg. Nothing is free there. Why do the tourists get a free ride for parking?
Jack  ( March 7, 2019)
So the spin is this is about freeing up parking spaces. Not so. This is about raising money because
the town needs money. But so do the pensioners and
now our dilettante PM is going to slap a carbon tax on everything which means cost of living soars
all to combat global warming. As far as I'm concerned we could use a little global warming to combat this brutal winter.
metered out  ( March 7, 2019)
Maybe if by-law enforcement starting issuing a few tickets for the free parking on residential streets during the summer we could make up some cash, how about a non-resident charge for the boat ramps? Every other place in Canada charges.
