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 Online Poll
City council has approved the licensing of the Keewatin dog kennel. Do you agree with that decision?
No   60     33%
Yes   124     67%
 Total Votes: 184

Comments   Add Your Own
Keewatin animal lover  ( May 28, 2008)
This is not a question about whether people like or don't like animals. The issue has always been - is this the most appropriate location for an animal shelter? The answer is - no! With all the rural-zoned property within city limits, surely a more appropriate location could have been found that would not disrupt the quality of life of anyone. I know many of the residents close to the shelter have pets of their own and love them dearly. However, there are very real issues that cannot be ignored that go along with having 40-50 dogs in your back yard (this is the projected number of dogs that Rescue North is anticipating). I would much rather see support provided to "A Dog's Life" fostering network who provide loving homes for dogs until a permanent home can be found. This is a much better option than being in a kennel for an undetermined period of time. Their organization is providing quality of care for abandoned animals without annoying anyone. Maybe Council has been barking up the wrong tree on this one!
Heather  ( May 28, 2008)
They do need to be in town. As long as the animals are properly supervised, there shouldn't be any problems. The jail is within city limits, so why not an animal shelter for abandoned/abused animals? It is ridiculous the amount of attention this "battle" has got from the community. I'm more worried about the locals downtown wandering in front of my car at any time of the day/night with open liquor then I am a building trying to save the lives of a few pets. Get your priorities straight.
  ( May 28, 2008)
Were there not just two little girls picketing the circus holding a sign reading a quote by Ghandi, "You can judge a nation by the way it treats its animals"? How would we judge Kenora?
Paul  ( May 28, 2008)
Don't give any ideas TJ, or it will be a $500 fine to feed the birds and a $500 fine to feed the dogs and cats also.
Jacie  ( May 24, 2008)
I am glad to hear that there is still some people in this world that care about the animals that people discard. My husband and myself have had a dog since the day we got married and two of the best pets we have got were from the SPCA. People that take pets from there really care, keep up the good work.
joz  ( May 24, 2008)
If all the complainers had worked together to find a better location last year, this would have already been solved. Other cities have shelters inside their cities with no problems. I think we’d have worse problems with strays if we do not have the shelter. My big question is where is the funding coming from for this?
elaine  ( May 23, 2008)
It's about time that council did something right
TJ  ( May 23, 2008)
People in Kenora sure hate animals! First the deer now dogs and cats. Whats next..birds?
  ( May 23, 2008)
Just out of curiosity, where are the animal shelters in Winnipeg located? Are they within City limits to promote easy public accessibility or are they in the boonies where people do not frequent so animals remain unvisited and unadopted??
Vicky  ( May 23, 2008)
The OSPCA was given an offer a few years back, of having a new building put up just for them out on Darlington Drive (on private property) where there would not have been a noise issue, odor issue or any other issue being brought on them by the neighbours, which is very well understandable. When OSPCA was approached, they instantly turned the offer down, with thanks of course, but felt they needed to be in town. So no one can say there weren't other solutions, or options available to them. No sympathy, this all could have been avoided.
