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 Online Poll
Do you think Kenora entrepreneurs should resurrect the historic Lake of the Woods micro brewery?
No   44     26%
Yes   123     74%
 Total Votes: 167

Comments   Add Your Own
Bill  ( May 21, 2008)
Great idea! The Lake of the Woods Brewing Company in Rat Portage was a sucess..with brews named after the mines in the area.. ie Sultana Lager, Regina Porter and Mikado Ale. Micro brewing companies are popular, people still drink beer, so I say do it.
Rusty  ( May 21, 2008)
As I write this, 26% of the respondents said no to this question. No? The word was "entrepreneurs" people...not tax payer...entrepreneurs...that's private business people using their own money. Who would say no to this other than close minded backwards thinking, non progressive people. Wake up nay sayers, we need new business in this town to survive. New business equals new jobs and new tax revenues. Wake up people, wake up.
Dave  ( May 21, 2008)
Hey, why not. In the past the Kenora breweries were very successful. Micro breweries are very popular. Perhaps we could create a tasty alternative to the more expensive brands. They may be able to use the old brand names for historic value.
Tony  ( May 20, 2008)
What an entertaining idea. Let's put the economic development officer to work, let her earn her keep and help land this business or any other business. Lets' grow this town.
Mike  ( May 20, 2008)
As long as the Kenora Taxpayer isn't on the hook for it, I am all for it. Just another little enterprise to make Kenora a unique destination. Forestry may never come back. Let's move on to greener pastures.
Daniel George  ( May 19, 2008)
And call the beer, "TWO LOVERS IN A CANOE."
Making Love near water...
Randy  ( May 19, 2008)
This is the first I have heard of this. If this is more than a coffee shop rumor tell us more. I'd love to see a micro brewery in Kenora.
eskimopogo  ( May 18, 2008)
We have enough white elephants in this town without adding more at the taxpayers expense.
Paula  ( May 17, 2008)
I think it could be fun-Lake of the Woods beer-maybe call it Lake of the Woods Pale Ale, I know the Townies would drink gallons of it.
C..  ( May 16, 2008)
IF you mean - they may for it with their own money...Yes. But if you mean... they are going to do it on Grant money, and have the taxpayer come for the rescue, when / if the money runs out...No.
