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 Online Poll
Do you support a $500 fine for feeding deer in the city limits?

No   72     30%
Yes   167     70%
 Total Votes: 239

Comments   Add Your Own
  ( May 13, 2008)
It is absolutely amazing to me that a community who based it's livelihood for decades by destroying trees can now complain about deer pruning cedars. At least deer do it instinctually. We do it thoughtlessly and carelessly... and animals pay the price.
Heather  ( May 13, 2008)
In their natural environment the deer population would peak, and then be reduced through starvation and predators - wolves. What those people who say "leave them alone" aren't realizing is that not only will allowing an exponential growth of deer lead to their eventual starvation, but will increase the wolf population to a dangerous point to our children. Nature is wonderful, but we live in a town/city and need to control the in-town wildlife.
The True Concerned Kenorite  ( May 12, 2008)
I say let's pass the by-law and implement a fine, it will only be enforced in a few "example" cases. I agree with the post that states at least council is trying to do something to control what they can control. Perhaps if we enforce this by-law to the fullest extent we can replace my father's as well as all of the other completely destroyed tombstones...
  ( May 12, 2008)
When the OPP (who don't do by-law enforcement) take over, who exactly is going to enforce this by-law? Oh yeh, I forgot, Council hasn't worked out that issue yet. (Nor at what cost to the taxpayer).
Mike  ( May 11, 2008)
Once again some comments have completely missed the point. It is against the law in Banff to feed the wildlife and it should be here too. We should slow down but that was not what the question was about. And if you are so concerned about youth crime, homelessness and the like, ask yourself "What am I doing to help?" Council passed a bylaw on something they can try to control. Like it's all councils fault that kids are lighting fires? Get a grip!!
kjl  ( May 11, 2008)
Exactly where do people expect these deer and other wild species to live? Doesn't it occur to you that their home has been clear cut so you can wipe your butt everyday? Haven't you ever connected the endless line of pulp trucks driving by to what's happening in your back yard? Your endless cries of "do something!" should mean harder lobbying for better resource management, not token measures by city council.
Bill  ( May 11, 2008)
I think a deer cull is the answer. They have become pests. I transplanted roses last week and two days later the plant was eaten by deer. There are sometims nine deer in our yard.. Last summer a deer attacked our miniature schnauzer in our yard and a month later he was dead. The deer didn't come into the city because they were hungry, they are just opportunists. There are so many deer now that they have migrated into the Yukon and NWT which is not their natural habitat. Something has to be done. I don't think a fine is in order – shotguns have a short range and could be very effective in culling the herd.
Edward  ( May 11, 2008)
If this would help the problem then go for it. I only see that in theory this is a good thing but I wonder who is going to enforce it? There are many by-laws now that are totally ingnored and not enforced, so why are they bothering to add yet another one to the books?
Wally  ( May 10, 2008)
What wonderful idea. I will simply throw my apples into neighbours yard and let him pay especially if he's an Englishman.
danny  ( May 10, 2008)
Its not about whats right or wrong! It's council's priorities, or lack thereof. You have people eating out of dumpsters, rampant youth crime, arson, assaults, and drunks on the streets.
Yet they have time to worry about what I do in the yard that I pay them taxes on.
Whats next, a don't feed the squirrels by law? Speaking of squirrels, when is the next city election? We need a change!
