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 Online Poll
Are you in agreement with the pesticide ban coming into force next year?
No   46     37%
Yes   77     63%
 Total Votes: 123

Comments   Add Your Own
too much hypocricy  ( April 29, 2008)
Another move by the government to protect us and yet we still can buy cigarettes and starve trying to heat our homes. Obviously the pesticide lobbyists aren't as strong as tobacco and oil company lobbyists.
Progressive Redneck  ( April 27, 2008)
This is definitely the way to go, and will be the norm for all communities in the very near future. Going organic is easy and safe. You will find all sorts of information on organic lawn care on the net, including many informational videos with this topic on Youtube.
Paula  ( April 25, 2008)
We use way too much pesticide on our lawns. How about banning pesticides and fertilizers on golf courses too-all the toxic goes right into Lake of the Woods and Black Sturgeon Lake.
Richard  ( April 24, 2008)
It's long overdue, simple, and has a very significant impact in terms of reducing our negative impacts upon the environment.
