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Does Earth Day (April 22) have any significance to you?
No   62     60%
Yes   41     40%
 Total Votes: 103

Comments   Add Your Own
Edward  ( April 23, 2008)
What a laugh, appease your conscience by picking up a few pop cans etc. one day a year. What about the other 364 days. All this environmental brainwashing just doesn't sink in. Students are taught about environmental issues,yet, throw everything from gum wrappers to school books away. Adults are aware there is a problem, yet, throw away their Timmies cups, fast food wrappers etc. Not even the simplest life forms on earth, dirty their own nests! says a lot for the most "intelligent" life forms on earth, doesn't it?
Silly  ( April 22, 2008)
For one day out of the year, concerned citizens rally together to clean their neighborhoods, recycle, and educate childten. The other 364 days of the year, these same people are throwing their Timmies cups out of their windows while they are driving down the street, not recycling, and teaching their children that our disposable-materialistic lifestyles are something they should strive for by "staying in school". What a joke. Almost as bad as earth hour, when people who couldn't possibly celebrate an entire earth day could appease their guilt by pretending to care for an hour.
Paula  ( April 21, 2008)
If you want to be real about the earth – ride a bike to work (lose some weight too). Stop being a consumer zombie. We just don't need all this stuff.

Richard  ( April 21, 2008)
We have too many 'days' these days. I have no idea what Earth Day is, and I suspect I'm in the majority.
Dave  ( April 20, 2008)
It takes more than one day a year to educate people about the earth, environment etc.
It amounts to a day off school for students to pick up some of the garbage they deposited since last year.
If you think the public in general cares, take a walk on the trails behind Beaver Brae or Thomas Aquinas schools-- what a mess. Take a walk around Rabbitt Lake in a few weeks after the ice is out and see all of the refuse in the water along the shoreline- disgusting. Everywhere you look around town, there are receptacles and wrappers from fast food places, cigarette butts, pop cans.
Everyone is on the band wagon about climate change and global warming, yet they continue to treat the environment like their own waste basket.
I think society in general is a little "two faced" when it come to environmental issues. Leave it to the other guy to do, I will throw my Tim Hortons cups, Big Mac containers and Coke cans where I want. Pretty sad
STAN  ( April 19, 2008)
Not to be negative but, unless EVERYONE gets involved and does something ecologically sound, I'm not so sure there will be any noticeable impact in the world. Locally though, we may see less garbage on the road-sides and lanes. For Earth Day,any ideas on how to get rid of the garbage and irritants in City Hall?
T.J.G  ( April 18, 2008)
Just another day on earth!
jodi hall  ( April 18, 2008)
Earth Day is a very significant day. It is the one day a year we dedicate to educating everyone about all the small, simple things that can still be done to help save the Earth and prevent worse things from happening to it. Large global acts have to be undertaken, but we as individuals can all do small, simple yet vitally important things at home, play, school and work every day!
