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 Online Poll
Do you think health care costs should be capped at the inflation percentage instead of constantly being increased?
No   39     24%
Yes   121     76%
 Total Votes: 160

Comments   Add Your Own
concerned  ( March 26, 2008)
Health care is needed by all of us. It's hard to say where to cut, but I have one question, I live on the flight path of the hospital helicopter, and I would like to know how many times it flies out on unnecessary trips to the local reserves.
old timer  ( March 26, 2008)
Whether we pay increased costs for health care through a health tax or increased taxes, we still pay. If health care costs keep increasing, middle and lower class old people will have to choose between food or health care. Not a pretty picture! old timers.
Dan T  ( March 25, 2008)
If you cut the abuse out of the current system, costs would be much lower. If you look at the people who show up at emerg., or call an ambulance for problems associated with binge drinking, that alone is expensive.
Throw in the ambulance costs! Not a lot of people realize that if the air ambulance is dispatched to a call north of Kenora, a land ambulance is also dispatched and not recalled until the helicopter is on final approach. Then once the air ambulance crew assesses the patient, they may refuse transport, at no cost to them. In the mean time, two ambulances and crews are tied up. If people took more responsibility for their own health, the cost to the healthcare system would be a lot less. Why not tie it to inflation, wages, pensions etc. are all tied to it.
Jack  ( March 25, 2008)
There is too much abuse in the system i.e. people running to doctor over hangnail or simple cough. To eliminate frivolous doctor visits, a small service fee (ten or twenty dollars) should be implemented.
Larry  ( March 23, 2008)
Since most modern maladies ie. diabetes, hypertension,obesity and some cancers are preventable, more emphasis should be put on prevention. A lot of people seem to think that they can abuse their bodies with their choice of lifestyle and the healthcare system will be there to cure them. Take away all the preventable diseases and their expensive treatments, and the healthcare system would not need to constantly cry "POOR".
Kaila  ( March 23, 2008)
I think that we need some better health care in this area!
Richard  ( March 21, 2008)
Health care costs have never been a function of inflation but rather a function of demographics and improvements in treatments. Capping the costs when the baby-boomers are about to hit retirement doesn't make much sense to me, I'd rather take the hit elsewhere to ensure health care is what we need it to be.
Mike  ( March 21, 2008)
One of the biggest drains on our hospital is cost of management. When the nurses were going to be laid off the figures were one management for every four beds. While they may not be accurate today I think we need to look at trimming the fat, not the meat. We need to take responsibility for our own health. Get off the couch!
Judy  ( March 20, 2008)
I agree, with the aging population, the cost of health care is going to explode. We need to look at ways that can lead to improved patient care and more effective use of health care resources. New approaches are needed that will address the human and financial resources shortage that the Ontario Health care system is struggling with.
Paula  ( March 19, 2008)
Health care costs will continue to go up as the population age. The Aboriginal population continues to explode. The aging population will struggle to pay. People, we have to look after ourselves better.
