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 Online Poll
Are you concerned about the impact of global warming on Lake of the Woods?
No   83     46%
Yes   97     54%
 Total Votes: 180

Comments   Add Your Own
Jack  ( March 19, 2008)
Global warming is natural and not man made. Kyoto is UN scam designed to redistribute wealth from first world to third world. Al Gore's film not scientifically factual but propoganda designed to create hysteria to enrich Gore and deciples through carbon trading.
The True Concerned Kenorite  ( March 18, 2008)
Why worry only about Lake of the Woods? I am more concerned about the ice caps that are melting. They will cause far more damage to our economy and lifestyle than the effects on Lake of the Woods.
N/A  ( March 17, 2008)
How can we as responsible citizens not be concerned?
Richard  ( March 16, 2008)
Does it concern me - of course. One only has to watch the Academy Award Winning film "An Inconvenient Truth" to understand the scale that it's happening to us all. My larger concern is that we're going to do nothing about it, and instead let the next generation deal with it. That's what we'll be known as - the generation who passed the buck.
Mark  ( March 15, 2008)
In NWO we use clean energy to produce electricity, and any surplus electricity is wasted because it can't be exported. Yet the province wants us to use flourescent bulbs that have mercury and produce no heat. Since the lights are used most in winter, the lack of heat from them means we burn more gas, wood or oil. And the bulbs are not recycled but the mercury goes into the environment.
Kenny G  ( March 14, 2008)
I find it interesting that individuals equate saving energy ie. using less gas and electricity, with saving the planet.
Any savings made in any form of energy just mean the producers can expand the hydro grid for more homes, export more crude to the US., and collect higher products.
Methanol is a joke, it takes 29% more energy to create methanol than you get out of it and it creates an annual carbon footprint that takes 12 years to get rid of.
The climate is constantly changing. Global warming is a natural part of the earths aging. About the time we exhaust our fossil fuels, global cooling will be a reality, again, part of the earths natural cycles.
A lot of people are getting rich off the fear and paranoia created by "Environmentalists".
If you want to really do something for the earth, quit buying products fron India and China. These two growing economies have little or no environmental regulations. Air pollution in China alone is so bad that some athletes that could compete in this summers Olympic games there won't because of the health risk!!
Paula  ( March 14, 2008)
Canadians only pay lip service to doing anything about global warming-just like Americans. Until gas is $2 litre we're not going to do a thing. We don't deserve public health care either. We expect the government to "fix" too much without being better accountable for our own life style choices, decisions or actions. Some communties are always the victoms, pay the least and can't do anything for themselves.
Mike  ( March 14, 2008)
How can we not be concerned. Water levels have the potential to plummet with global warming putting our cottage industry and hydro electric capabilities at serious risk. Also the risks of more severe weather and we could start to see tornados and flooding from rain. We don't need to hit the panic button but everyone should look at how they can help in a small way. Start by reducing the energy you use. Turn the heat down or the air conditioner up one degree. Walk instead of driving occasionally. We need only do a little bit each.
Dave  ( March 14, 2008)
Since Global Warming is part of the earths evolutionary process, it is natural for this to occur.
Decades/centuries from now, the process will reverse as it has in the past and Global Cooling will occur, leading to an ice age.
It has happened before, will happen again.
