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 Online Poll
Do you think that the benefits of Downtown Revitalization outweigh the inconvenience of the summer construction projects?
No   71     37%
Yes   121     63%
 Total Votes: 192

Comments   Add Your Own
pk  ( June 26, 2019)
I have to admit I was a bit sceptical of how the first roundabout would work. It does work well and keeps traffic flowing pretty smooth. The only bad thing is people don't use their signal lights properly when coming off.
Dylan  ( June 25, 2019)
The work needs to be done, but it would be nice if the taxpayers of Kenora would also see some benefits from the taxes they pay. The downtown offers nothing after 7:00 PM, you could take in a movie I guess. I also wonder if any of the City Councillors go to the downtown area in the evening and take a look at our so called "boating destination" city.
ELAINE  ( June 25, 2019)
Money should have been spent on our roads not on a round about. We have had no problem for 100 years so why a round about? We need to stop giving free needles or let the staff give the injection and they get to keep the needles to dispose of. Big mistake at knox church ,what a disgrace to our town. Maybe CBC needs to come and then our mayor will do something,
Herchek  ( June 25, 2019)
There may be some benefits as to traffic flow. There still will be an open treeless desert like void cluttered with homeless, used needles and street people. Kenora needs to clean up a lot. Once you get beyond Main St. there is nothing to be proud of.
Failing to Yield  ( June 22, 2019)
The problem with the round about is that the drivers from town heading west are failing to yield before they enter the round about, hich causes a delay for those coming from Veterans drive.
concerned citizen   ( June 22, 2019)
It's nice to see the round about getting done. Kenora is not a place to visit anymore. If you want visitors to come fixing the streets is a start making it safe is another story!
Al  ( June 21, 2019)
No matter what they are doing it does not bring in any more money to anybody. This will not bring in much needed business or much needed jobs water & sewer needs to be done the rest is a joke
Tim Francis   ( June 20, 2019)
There is no inconvenience. If you have to walk an extra half block, no big deal. The roundabout is probably the greatest single engineering feat this town has accomplished in its history.
egk  ( June 20, 2019)
it's too bad that only downtown gets fixed while we from the outlaying part of kenora get next to zero for the taxes we pay. Look around what's new in town except for taxpayers funded projects.
l agree with council on the water rate issue. If you live on any street in town and own a house does your neighbour get a better deal than you l think not.
Kelly  ( June 20, 2019)
It's good to have the underground work updated, but anything else is a waste of money.
