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 Online Poll
Do you think the people of Northwestern Ontario have benefited from the election of the Ford government in June 2018?
No   252     52%
Yes   233     48%
 Total Votes: 485

Comments   Add Your Own
REVENUE  ( June 5, 2019)
If the Government’s intent is to reduce the debt/deficit (on the backs of poor/marginalized) why would they have given $3.6B worth of tax cuts to corporations/shareholders and the rich? You can’t balance the books by reducing revenue. Simple bookkeeping. Don’t drink the Koolaid.
  ( June 4, 2019)
Poor conservatives. Their alternative to a carbon plan is projected to cost more than the liberals proposed carbon tax. Can’t make this stuff up
Not fooled  ( June 1, 2019)
Doug Ford is on a mission to serve his rich cronies as the expense of the poor and middle class. Not "for the people" -- especially not for the people of Northern Ontario!
Gene  ( June 1, 2019)
Mr. Clayton your Liberal bias is showing. We are paying over a billion dollars per month in interest payments alone. In your column you say we will pay until it hurts and then pay some more, well that is exactly what we will get with the Liberal "carbon tax"
egk  ( May 31, 2019)
we have a real problem from the last government now we have to address the real problem. First, all people living in Ontario must pay taxes. The tax payers are doomed in Ontario until the law is enforced.
Herchek  ( May 31, 2019)
Unless you are a minority and earn enough to live in a cardboard box, you never qualify for any government programs. The benefits from the Ford government are a robust attempt to control the horrendous deficit left by the Liberals. People don't like it, but sadly it is needed. Hopefully come October we will have a government in power that will tackle the federal deficit.
Paula  ( May 30, 2019)
By trying to eliminate the annual deficit the government can then maybe put some money on the incredible $360+ billion debt. We all receive the best policing, public health, and education standards.
Jack  ( May 30, 2019)
The truth is the Ford Government inherited an absolute mess with Ontario on the verge of bankruptcy thanks to the insane policies and spending of Wynne and McGuinty. Now the piper must be paid and the only way this can happen is to increase taxes or hold the line on spending.
Taxes are too high so that leaves no option but
to cut government waste and there is plenty of that to cut. As an ex-government employee I can attest to that.
pk  ( May 30, 2019)
I think it's too soon to tell yet if we will see anything up here. I do see my hydro bill is lower but I don't know if Ford can take credit for that. The Conservatives were left a big mess to clean up and don't think it will be done overnight.
Pete  ( May 30, 2019)
Are you kidding me they can't even figure out why gas is higher all they need to do is set the price across the country nothing will ever get done here.
