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Paula  ( April 2, 2019)
I think Kenora can enter in as the biggest belly-aching, cry baby, whiners in Canada. It's the climate we live in - extreme cold, snow plow blades, freezing-thawing. We're lucky southern Ontario coughs up the money to pave any roads we have.
sherri  ( April 2, 2019)
With gas prices through the roof again, we should all buy mountain bikes and that way it would be easier to dodge all the potholes. The gas stations sure took advantage of the carbon tax to rip off the locals again, should be up to 1.45 by May long weekend. Only 1.12 in Toronto and Winnipeg, time to move!
Kurt  ( March 29, 2019)
I wonder if it is possible to launch a Class Action Lawsuit to reclaim damages to vehicles damaged by the horrendous road conditions in town. Since it happens in the same places, same time every year, there is negligence in road repair.
Deb  ( March 28, 2019)
All the roads are terrible, the huge taxes that are collected from Jaffrey Melick residents sure haven't improved their roads and I'm really tired of calling the city about the pothole at the end of my driveway every spring for the past six years.
pk  ( March 28, 2019)
I see they are temporarily fixed now but I would have to say Park and Railway Street are the worst in spring.
Chet  ( March 28, 2019)
That little chunk of street between Hing's Chinese Food and where the Kenwood used to be. Just keep patchin' er up, guys!
Sally  ( March 28, 2019)
Which one isn’t beat up? They're disgusting, what a joke.
Rod  ( March 28, 2019)
All of Kenora is a giant pothole. All the streets are bad.
Al  ( March 28, 2019)
From the mall to Pro Auto Glass, Railway and Park Street.
kay  ( March 27, 2019)
Where to begin, Essex Road has been terrible since amalgamation, and then Railway Street, Gould Road, Ninth Street North, pretty much all roads that branch off Hwy 17. The roads are like a patchwork of potholes and bandages.
