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 Online Poll
Do you think success in this life is determined more by:
Both   77     36%
Neither   48     23%
What you know   37     17%
Who you know   51     24%
 Total Votes: 213

Comments   Add Your Own
  ( April 8, 2009)
Nicely said RH! Positive attitude goes a long way! I couldn't agree with your comment more. Just for the record, no, I'm not one of the so called elite in Kenora, just an average working person. Success should be determined by how you live your life, not by what material items you acquired during it.
RH  ( April 6, 2009)
Don't you just love the pessimist in this town. Here is a thought, maybe, just maybe, if all the pessimist in this town would get one positive thought in there little brain and actually put it to good use we may be able to make this town a greater one to live in than it already is. If you don't like what you got, change it or go away, please. So many people work hard to make this a great town only to hear the boo-hoos from those that don't do squat. (Maybe a little off topic but I and many others are sick of the negative attitudes.)
  ( April 6, 2009)
Elite! Give me a break! It's called big fish, small pond - more money than brains etc. Not to say that some of the more successful (monetarily, I mean) people in this town are not down to earth, community spirited, generous individuals. However, to suggest there are people in Kenora who consider themselves elite - and others consider them as this also, is downright laughable. The word elite encompasses much more than simply wealth. Yes, Kenora is cliquey, without any reason, whatsoever, for being so. I'd like to send some of the "elite" to large cities and see how well they fared - I can assure you, not so well. They'd be viewed as bumpkins as, mere wealth in the REAL elite circles is the death card. You have to possess class as well.
p.r.  ( April 5, 2009)
Just reading some of the comments that are on-line. Yes I do agree with most – it is who you know, not what you know. Very sad. I guess that's why Kenora is regressing instead of progressing. Elite in Kenora, maybe in there minds, is just as small as Kenora is itself. Very clicky.
  ( April 5, 2009)
To RH.........Get real! I bet you have the world by the tail.
To Rh from Cynical in Kenora  ( April 4, 2009)
"Hard work and determination to succeed will prevail everytime". To extrapolate, then unsuccessful people are lazy quitters. Sounds like you're not even aware of your "good luck and good timing".
Rh  ( April 4, 2009)
What you know is everything whether it is a formal education or a skill you have acquired on your own. Hard work and determination to succeed will prevail everytime. If you think you need to know the right people to succeed you are dead wrong,(except when trying to get a job with the City). The true elite in Kenora are humble enough to not flaunt themselves and tend to be just normal folks that will intermingle with all classes. The pretend elite are the ones that only appear to have it all and make most feel low class in their presence. These people know who they are and if that is success they can keep it. Remember appearances can be deceiving. Success is measured on how you feel about yourself. Live, Love and Laugh.
Chris  ( April 4, 2009)
In Kenora it's who you know, who you are related to and how much money you have! It's life in Kenora. Good luck to the younger generations as the high wage jobs are GONE in Kenora!
agree  ( April 3, 2009)
If you don't know anyone in Kenora, good luck on a job. Try to get a job with the city. Qualifications mean zilch! Over qualified means zilch! A nice clicky place.
HD  ( April 3, 2009)
Kenora is very much who you know. Kids won't be invited to parties unless their parents are involved with the "who you know" people. You can't get a job unless you know someone. You can't even rent a house unless you know someone. It is at the point here in Kenora where it is lowering the quality of life for the 8 per cent of people who don't know and/or suck up to the elite in Kenora. And for a town that is struggling economically, that is an additional hardship that we don't need. Stop creating popularity in children based on their parents, it is getting ridiculous. Success should be based on the happiness of the person. It shouldn't be material based.
