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 Online Poll
Do you think the recently tabled Ontario budget is good for the people of Ontario?
No   90     73%
Yes   34     27%
 Total Votes: 124

Comments   Add Your Own
  ( April 2, 2009)
Wow...$1000.00 in 3 installments because I live in Ontario! Oh but wait, this isn't happening until June of 2010. Isn't this when it is forecasted that the economy is supposed to pick up anyways? What about now? And I have to wonder if this is going to be used against me at income tax time just like the Child Tax Benefit. I really hope the people of Ontario wake up next election time. What sounds good coming out of a politicians mouth usually isn't!
Walt  ( April 2, 2009)
I don't know, and I don't think most people know. One thing I do know is that isolated communites, that work to isolate themselves will continue to be hopeless and dependant on the government. Economies are made by hard work and individual initiative. Take away government money and you have no economy in these communities. End the reserve system now.
Brad  ( March 31, 2009)
I looked up the definition of liar in the dictionary! Beside it was a picture of McGuinty!! Here is the guy who campaigned on getting rid of the OHIP premium we are still paying and who was going to freeze or lower electrical costs. HMMM we are still getting screwed there. Now Dalton comes up with a new scheme thats "Good for Ontario". I can feel the coins being sucked out of my pocket already. But then again, Kenora isn't in Ontario. It's in no man's land between North bay and Winnipeg.
T.J.G  ( March 30, 2009)
If for some it seems too good to be true,it is !
Dave  ( March 29, 2009)
"Bend over Ontario, Dalton is at it again". Does he think we are idiots, he gives us a little cash to make us happy for a day, then collects all the extra tax dollars he can with harmonization. Imagine, another tax on gasoline! All we need now is for the feds to throw in the 10 cent per litre tax that is written in to the Kyoto Accord.
Ken  ( March 28, 2009)
Don't be fooled by the $1,000 Dalton is sending out (to families making under $160,000 per year) just prior to the next election. So many more things will be taxed with the harmonization, that he'll just be sending you back a fraction of the money you've paid in increased taxes. Just what we all need during this recession ... a large tax increase. Thank you Dalton. I'll remember you at election time.
Gord  ( March 27, 2009)
Once again McGuinty has done it to the people. Giving a little with one hand and taking more with the other. Just a stop gap measure, and nothing for us in the Nortwest.
