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 Online Poll
Should helmet use be mandatory on commercial ski hills?
No   76     47%
Yes   86     53%
 Total Votes: 162

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N/A  ( March 26, 2009)
A brain injury and leg injury are two totally separate issues - a brain injury is far more severe and will have more significant life altering effects. I personally would wear a helmet as my brain is far to important to me.
Brent  ( March 25, 2009)
Given there are probably more leg injuries than head injuries, maybe all skiers should where casts on their legs as well as helmets. Sheesh. It's all about getting sued isn't it? Too many lawyers and bureaucrats.
Mark  ( March 24, 2009)
Before worrying about ski hills the City of Kenora needs to make helmets mandatory when riding a bike at the skateboard park. Talk about a liability waiting to happen!
Dan  ( March 23, 2009)
Whats next? Maybe helmets for those who have to walk the icy sidewalks! More people are killed and injured in a year on public walkways than on ski hills.
You can pass all the laws you want and make safeguards mandatory, but, you cant get rid of stupidity!
T.J.G  ( March 23, 2009)
Enough already... soon you will be forced to wear a life jacket to take a bath,quit saving me from everything!
Hockey Dad  ( March 23, 2009)
Accidents happen and if your not good at skiing then common sense should dictate the use of a helmet. Twenty to forty years ago they would have laughed you off the hill for wearing a helmet... and we all survived!! I think the bigger issue here is how in the world did people lose the ability to think for themselves? We have enough big brother and rules in our lives, it's time to let people stand on their own. Pretty soon you're going to have to wear a helmet to use a public washroom... just in case you fall off the toilet and hit your head! Lawyers are ruining our lives.
Richard  ( March 21, 2009)
No. They should be mandatory for younger ages for sure, as kids lack the wisdom to understand the safety risks of not wearing one. It's similar to making kids wear a life vest in a boat (vs. just having one in the boat). You may as well put helmets on figure skaters if we want to mitigate every safety risk out there. If adults want to ski without helmets and they are injured, they know that's part of the risk. As long as the insurance industry agrees and doesn't go after the ski resorts, that should be enough.
Mike  ( March 20, 2009)
While private ski hills have the option of imposing this rule, in NO WAY should there be any provincial or federal law requiring helmets on ski hills. There is no doubt that it is a good idea to wear a helmet but we already have enough regulations to worry about. If a ski hill has a rule about helmets you can choose not to ski there.
  ( March 19, 2009)
No! Having a helmet would give a lot of people a sense of false security. The stats I've heard is that they are quite useless after 25 km/hr. Everywhere in life there are pitfalls and accidents waiting to happen, should we all just stay at home wadded up in cotton batten?
