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 Online Poll
Do you agree the city should financially support a youth drop-in centre?
No   73     49%
Yes   76     51%
 Total Votes: 149

Comments   Add Your Own
Paula  ( March 19, 2009)
Let them go, out on the land, and maybe they'll come back...better.
Mike  ( March 18, 2009)
I'm pretty sure no youth will use it so it will be a waste of money.
Heather  ( March 14, 2009)
Only if the City is planning on creating a pool of money to be made available through legal application by different children and youth groups throughout the city. Otherwise council is picking favorites. There are many fabulous groups losing their funding and why should one group or center receive funding when many others may have to shut their doors?
Chuck  ( March 13, 2009)
Some of these places already exist throughout the city. They offer interaction among their fellow youth. They even get to talk to younger children and interact with older peers. As well they offer warmth, educational situations and in most cases are quite safe. They're called jobs.
Mike  ( March 13, 2009)
I would support a drop in centre that is run by youth and a board of adults with backing by the city. The young people need to make and enforce the rules or it won't work. Without backing from the city they will always wonder from year to year whether or not they can stay open but they do need to work raising much of their own money. It also needs to be inclusive of all young people without a religious or cultural focus.
