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 Online Poll
Should the city's Prosperity Fund be used to take advantage of one-time government infrastructure funding?
No   62     51%
Yes   60     49%
 Total Votes: 122

Comments   Add Your Own
  ( March 11, 2009)
I don't know what kind of infrastructure we can get funding for but if it is for sewer and water we should look at spending it. If we can get triple the value for it we will need all of it and more to bring our horribly neglected system up to date. Spending it wisely now can be smart too if done properly. Just don't throw it away and the interest we can get is 1/2 percent?
  ( March 10, 2009)
Since the economy is a minefield at this point in time, it's better to put it aside and earn the interest, rather than toss it towards "whatever" and hope for the best. Would you take your money and invest it in GM right now? If so, I have some swamp land I can sell you for real cheap! This TOWN never seems to know where it's headed and with the present Council at the helm, who has any faith? Cooler heads must prevail and waiting, on this particular issue, until we can actually see what's ahead, is not a doomsayer opinion. It's just smart.
Licon  ( March 9, 2009)
We should use this money to make sure the I Level plant stays in Kenora. Kenora we'd better march down town and let everyone know we need that plant here and not be run out of the area.
Mike  ( March 9, 2009)
No, Let's not spend it ever. Of course we could get triple the value for it by spending it today thus saving huge amounts in the future which could be put back into the prosperity fund. But no, go with the doomdwellers and naysayers and put it away never to be spent. I am sorry that sarcasm does not come across well in print.
LENNY  ( March 8, 2009)
Eddy's rite!!! maybe for the wrong reasons, but rite is rite. you know the feds will come to collect all that they give in a new tax in one way or another
Kenoran  ( March 8, 2009)
The stimulus plan would contribute 2/3 of project costs leaving the city to come up with only 1/3. For the right project it would make sense to take advantage of it, but, and its a big but, we must ensure that only projects that make sense should be considered. Things like a stand alone concert hall is an example of what should NOT be done.
Rob  ( March 7, 2009)
Right on Eddy. Can't wait for the next election.
Eddy  ( March 6, 2009)
Just what we need. This council already sold a cash cow and then we give them the opportunity to fritter away the money we received. That money was to be invested and the income used to subsidize our taxes, not to spend. Maybe if we had faith in our council we could entertain the thought...but not with these idiots! Let,s lock in the money and use the interest because once the pricipal is gone, it is gone forever.
