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 Online Poll
Do you support the federal private members bill calling for the scrapping of the long gun registry?
No   58     24%
Yes   181     76%
 Total Votes: 239

Comments   Add Your Own
Mike  ( March 4, 2009)
I would be interested in some statistics that show we are in any way safer for having this registry. If it works and isn't costing us millions every year, great. But right now that isn't the case. Plus it cost over 100 times what it was supposed to getting set up. I believe it was a good idea, it just has never been done correctly. Either fix it cheap or scrap it! Stop wasting our money!
Jojo  ( March 3, 2009)
This is about public safety. Firearms are danergous and require extra precautions. I've had my firearms registered and have had no issues or concerns about it. I don't think about it for one moment. The only one I trust with firearms is myself, everyone else I don't. So keep the system and we're all better off and safer.
anom  ( March 1, 2009)
If you have to register your car and snowmachine and boat, why wouldn't you have to register a gun? Just do it at the same place. The fact that some morons wasted a billion doing it, doesn't make it a bad idea. If someone threatened the life of your loved one, wouldn't you want the police to be able to seize their guns? Long guns don't kill people? The four police killings in Maplethorpe and the 2 recent ones that are on trial right now were done with long guns.

Right Wing Red Neck . . .and proud of it.  ( March 1, 2009)
Contrary to Lenny, not only do I NOT hate disagreeing with Paula but I think it's my duty to disagree with her naivete. I'm sure police officers go into hostile situations prepared for the worst. If they didn't we would have more dead police officers. They can't go into a situation and say, "they don't have any guns registered, I guess we can lower our defenses". In my yard I have had bears and wolves. Our family pets have been mauled by wild animals 10 feet out our front door while our children watched in horror. Last fall there was an article in the Daily Miner/Enterprise about a pastor that was almost mauled by a mother bear. Life in the rural north is different than life in downtown Ottawa. Law abiding citizens have "guns". Criminals have "weapons"...and they have no intention of registering them. Wake up and smell the coffee. Maybe a legal system that doesn't put criminals back on the street with a slap on the wrist would be a better idea. Give mandatory jail terms to criminals who commit crimes with weapons. To add insult to injury the lawyer defending the criminal is probably paid with your tax dollars thru legal aid.

LENNY  ( March 1, 2009)
I hate to disagree with Paula but the gun registry is not really in place. If it is, no one knows any more than before it was so called put in place. I personally tried to register years ago by fax & phone with no response from gov't or police. I've since gotten rid of my one and only rifle.
T.J.G  ( February 28, 2009)
The government again has shown us how to waste the taxpayers money. This was never going to work for what it was intented. Guns of every kind will end up in the hands of the bad guys one way or another. Making good people into the bad guys is a crime in itself.
Paula  ( February 27, 2009)
This country definately needs to keep all guns registered. Can you imagine being a police officer to attend a domestic dispute in this area and not having this kind of information? Also, guns have a way of being stolen and showing up in other places with other people and if someone steals a rifle and its not registered, who will know. Game Wardens check registration and work with police to share information. Its already in place, keep it - lets not be foolish.
ARDEE  ( February 27, 2009)
One is left wondering how many lives could have been saved with the millions spent on this registry had the money been used to hire more law enforement officers or border patrol guards assigned to find illegal imports of hand guns?
Linda  ( February 27, 2009)
Why should everyone be punished because there is people out there that feel the need to hurt other people. They don't just use guns. How often is a regular long gun (308,306 etc, ) use to kill someone?
LENNY  ( February 27, 2009)
Well umm, yes as long as it doesn't cost another billion to scrap it. What a scam that was.
