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 Online Poll
How have you been impacted by the current economic downturn?
Directly   81     46%
Indirectly   50     28%
Not at all   46     26%
 Total Votes: 177

Comments   Add Your Own
Paula  ( February 20, 2009)
People that have to support themselves are impacted. In this area there are those that don't have to work, so they won't and there is no impact for them. I believe they choose to live in poverty.
  ( February 20, 2009)
If we bail out the auto sector, who's golng to buy the cars if everybody else is out of work.
  ( February 20, 2009)
I've lost over 20% on my investments, which were only about $24,000 to start with before the recession and have been locked in for over 15 years. Keep in mind this investment was mandatory at a former workplace, you had no choice. You HAD to feed the coffers on an every payday basis, in fact it was automatically deducted from my paycheque. I fully expect that over the next year, at least, it will be whittled down to nothing and I will never be able to recoup the loss.
My current workplace has been severely affected and business has slowed to the point, where it seems almost pointless showing up, as I can monitor the phones from home. I'm just wondering when I will be laid off, or be told I'm being reduced to part-time, at the very least. I should be grateful, I suppose, as I have American friends who have been hit very hard and are on the brink of eviction, with no employment opportunities at whatsoever. Canada is headed that way - maybe not quite so bad but, don't be a bonehead and think that we're going to be unscathed. We won't be.
alberta too  ( February 19, 2009)
Just lost a job in Alberta due to lay-off, even the booming province is suffering, more layoffs of local people in Alberta are coming, this will affect local spending when these people are at home on days off.
