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 Online Poll
Where do you think the Kenora Tourism Information office should be relocated?
At the Bypass and Veterans Drive   46     26%
Downtown Pavillion   49     28%
Hwy. 17 E (Current location)   44     25%
Other   36     21%
 Total Votes: 175

Comments   Add Your Own
brad  ( March 2, 2009)
The info offices should stay where they are but have additional booths at the West end of town and at the Redditt Road/bypass intersection.
Hockey Dad  ( February 22, 2009)
Why can't we have two locations?
First of all, the pavilion lends itself to a natural spot because it is central in the city, it is close to the MS Kenora, and is right downtown. But it has limitations which prevent it from being the main spot. Parking is the biggest. But a big one on the bypass would be great. We would attract the people that are escaping around our town and we need to give them a place to stop and a reason to visit. As for the spot it is now, it was built when U.S. tourists were the main focus and there was no bypass around us. That meant new people to town would be entering from the east highway. But times change and so must we. It is time to close down the old spot and build a new one on the bypass with a satellite depot downtown.
  ( February 19, 2009)
Now that Kenora is in the crapper we are so desperate we are willing to bend over to spend a lot of money to bring these so called tourists to Kenora.We have poor service,high prices,and you can't drive here. Most of our "tourists"come from Manitoba and thats fine and dandy,but dont think for a minute they are not bringing most if not all of the goods with them from the city, I would. Local retailers have to make an effort to give a little to survive, and quit crying about your cost, it's not too high for the residents you say. Good luck to all the people with their heads in the sand.
bill  ( February 19, 2009)
On the bypass, you want to get the attention of the people on the highway to come and visit not drag them thro town looking for the tourist bureau. Old location was fine when that was the only highway through town.
sudburian  ( February 18, 2009)
We come to kenora every year since before they were arguing about not putting a by pass around town because it would negatively impact tourism. I do not understand what all the space is going to be used for the mill property. But a boat launch on the river with some other attractive stuff on that site makes sense. why is the road from main street to the pavilion blocked off. That is as ugly as it gets. Even if you eliminate vehicle traffic, it should be open to pedestrians. customer service is awful in Kenora. "are youse finished working on that". Some service and service with a smile, not patronizing, and I would trade product knowledge and staff training for all of it.
Susan  ( February 17, 2009)
One on 17 East and one on 17 West. Encourage people into Kenora. Definitely not the Pavillion.
  ( February 17, 2009)
Richard... Where would these tourists park downtown? Have you bin out of town the last few summers. Better rethink that Rick.
Mike  ( February 17, 2009)
To TJC and the other prophets of doom. You must be very well travelled to know so much regarding retail pricing. I think most of the prices here are just fine. If you don't want it don't buy it. If you can seriously get a better deal elsewhere tell the merchant. They will most likely do a deal if your request is reasonable. Try to remember what your Mom said, if you can't say anything nice... I think we need the tourist info at the bypass. And we need at least a small kiosk in town for those who are coming in anyway. I think the east side would be best since we can use the existing Ontario pavillion at the border to promote Kenora and surrounding area.
Carol  ( February 15, 2009)
If it was on the Bypass at Veteren's Drive (Reddit Rd?) we might attract people that might otherwise just drive right past Kenora.
Message to TJC and the other naysayers. What's the point . . . we're all going to die anyway.
Henk  ( February 14, 2009)
I think it should be located on 17 West. Kenora receives the bulk of its visitors from Winnipeg and surrounding area. Greet them with a warm welcome and pertinent information to our great district. One possible location is the old weight scale station just west of Keewatin.
