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Do you believe the federal budget will lead us out of recession?

No   89     67%
Yes   43     33%
 Total Votes: 132

Comments   Add Your Own
  ( February 3, 2009)
This isn't just a recession, it's a depression. Kenora has been going through a recession for the past few years - now the rest of Canada and the World joins in, ramping this up to a full out depression. The last time things were this tough globally, we had a war. Personal debt is one thing, but that's one VERY SMALL portion of the debtload, globally. Canada is luckier than some, due, partially, to our laws prohibiting foreign banks entering our system. Our "Wall Street" liars aren't as prolific as in the U.S. I completely agree that CEO's who lead a foundering/failing company and then expect to walk away with millions in a "package" should be flogged, at high noon, for weeks on end and then forced to work in a mill, 12 - 14 hour shifts, return home (via carpool) shovel their own driveway, pay exorbitant rates in taxes, watch their pension plans dribble away to nothing and still show faith in their "leaders". Obama's visit is one to watch - let's see how Harper handles that, I doubt he's going to be able to stand up to Obama and have Canada come out unscathed.
Hockey dad  ( February 1, 2009)
The recession will end after people get some of their personal debt paid off. The bubble burst because of access to easy credit and people kept buying until the credit was all gone. Now they have to pay it back and things will be slow until that is done. What I have a problem with is the million dollar a year executives that are asking taxpayers (us) to bail them out. They make a million a year plus bonuses and they expect me to subsidize their private jet and golf memberships. If a company fails and their executive received any bonus within the last five years they should be forced to pay it back with interest. Period.
LENNY  ( February 1, 2009)
Well I'm guessin JoJo likes it here he/she just had a bad day .I'm thinkin the only thing that will lead this country out of financial woes is the government must back away from the hog trough long enough to appreciate that its the meat & potato workin man supporting all of us.
JoJo's friend  ( February 1, 2009)
It's Kenora's traffic circle and Dave McCann's attitude that caused the worldwide economic collapse.
Happy Kenorite  ( January 31, 2009)
JoJo, your optimism makes you a shoe in for the next election. Pack your bags and move yourself and take your crappy attitude with you. The rest of us will stay here and make Kenora a great place to live.
Randy  ( January 31, 2009)
I'll give the new budget an "E" for effort. I liken the budget and it's stimulus spending to that of putting a bandaid on a gaping wound. Even if the Canadian people buy into the budget and start to spend, we are too small a population to fully revive our economy. Many industries will continue to suffer and job losses likely will continue. The best we could hope for would be to extend life support to those industries who may be better suited to weather the storm than others. For how long is anybody's guess. For a full economic recovery to occur in Canada we need our global trading partners to come to life, and we have to insure that Obama and his proposed protectionism legislation is not successful.
JoJo  ( January 30, 2009)
I hope it helps southern Ontario. This area is going down the toilet. Move now, save your kids, sell your homes while you can. Encourage your friends and family to leave. It is hopeless here.
Rob  ( January 30, 2009)
It'll help, but if the benefactors of any of these funds and tax breaks just lock it away in RRSPs, or take an out of country vacation, it'll just have been a waste. Not everyone can afford to keep on spending, but those that can should. Stop the downward spiral. I think that's the only way out of this mess.
Mike  ( January 30, 2009)
One of reasons for this economic situation is that companies kept ramping up as if there was no end to the demand for their products. They seemed to think that people would buy as much as they could produce. The scary thing is that C.E.O.s making millions of dollars per year couldn't figure it out, while it was common sense to the average high school drop out. And now the average high school drop out (as a taxpayer) has to bail out these CEOs with their MBAs.
RH  ( January 30, 2009)
It may soften the blow but will not take us out of a recession. Recessions must run their course, they always have. Unfortunatly, in years to come we will suffer more recessions brought on by corporate greed and a speculative market. As for the budget, Harper is doing what is neccessary to soften the blow. The big problem is Party leaders who publicly say they will vote against it and try to topple the government even before they see what is in it. To try to drive us into another expensive election now would have to be considered political suicide. It is time to work together and get us through this rather than bitch about everything that is brought forward. We don't all have the luxury of an overpaid secure job at this point. Than again Mr. Layton, neither do you if you force an election.
