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Do you think the Obama presidency raises the bar for our political leaders?
No   62     44%
Yes   79     56%
 Total Votes: 141

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 ( January 26, 2009)
At this point, too early to tell. But it is possible for a leader of Canada to look at this new president and see if any new levels of politics are made. I do believe that, with Obama as the new President of the United States should better our border and trading fundemental relations.
Hockey Dad  ( January 26, 2009)
I wouldn’t say that it raises the bar but he does bring a level of optimism that hasn’t been seen for a long time. Ever since 9-11 the mood of the world has gone sour and Bush perpetuated that mood by staying in war mode and keeping people living in fear of another attack. All the while he ignored the economy of his country and it, as well as the rest of the world, has suffered because of it.
But with Obama, people are optimistic and that in itself will make things better. People are ready for a change and Obama just so happens to be the face of that change.
  ( January 26, 2009)
Barack raises the bar for all of us... not just politicians. He is a unique gift to the world just waiting to be unwrapped. He will be awfully difficult to parody as he speaks pure and from the heart and has no nuances. He is the dream King spoke of, and we should all welcome this awakening.
Don  ( January 25, 2009)
If you look at Obamas past political career, he has accomplished nothing. That evens the bar!!
TJG  ( January 25, 2009)
OH PLEASE...The three stooges set the bar a little high!
LENNY  ( January 24, 2009)

No and it shouldn't. I think this new pres is so far a lot of talk. Let's see if he can walk the talk before he is praised. He might be like all other politicians. I mean come on folks after Bush even Bugs Bunny would look good.
Paula  ( January 23, 2009)
Canada is a much different country than the USA. For starters we don't want our government and politics mixed with religion. Also, what makes this country difficult to govern is that each Province is like a separate country with their own Constitutional responsibilities like natural resources, health care, education, and they vigourously protect infringement from the federal government. In Ontario we have 12 million people-almost half the country's population and 11 million live in southern Ontario, which in itself is totally different than 9/10 of the country. We already expect and have a much better government than the USA. They are trying to catch up to their "ideals" One thing though is that Americans follow their leaders, cheerleading all the way right into trouble like with Bush-very dangerous. I look with caution to any American president because I want to know what it means for Canada, my country. Obama, raise the bar? Maybe for the Americans, but not Canada. Don't get caught up or confused with all the hype, we don't know this guy yet.
Zut Alors  ( January 23, 2009)
Obama is the great hope for the World, right now, not just the U.S. I suppose it will depend on how things pan out - he's got a huge, depressing, agenda to cope with. As for raising the bar for Canadian politicians, in particular, I don't really see that occurring. We can't compare our types of government, as they are so dissimilar. The United States has a TRUE democracy, Canada does not.
Richard  ( January 22, 2009)
I think that as long as we have five major political parties in Canada, the bar cannot be raised as no one party will ever have a majority government again, and therefore will be unable to govern. We need to get back to three or less major parties before we can expect more from any leader, regardless of their party. Obama's presidency will not affect the fact that Harper has a minority government, and so will the next guy whoever/whenever that is.
Mike  ( January 22, 2009)
I am continuously amazed at how popular this president is all over the world. Whether he will be able to truly change things remains to be seen. The common denominator from Africa, China, all over the world really, and indeed right in the U.S. is hope.
